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  1. Erik Westlake

    Windows Compile issue

    Trying to run Compile.WIN.bat and I am getting the below error. I was having these same issues with MONO, so I flipped over to Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 and tried to recompile. The server is fully up to date and has .NET Framework 4.5 installed. Compile Ultima SDK Press any key to continue . ...
  2. Erik Westlake

    Mono Compile Issue

    Checked the other threads that show that I have to edit the Server/ScriptCompile.cs file, did that and ran the command: mcs -sdk:4.5 -out:ServUO.exe -d:MONO -d:Framework_4_0 -d:ServUO -optimize+ -unsafe...
  3. Erik Westlake

    Running ServUO on Linux Machine

    Hello, I am hoping you guys can help out. I have a server I am looking to convert into a UO shard server, but it is running Debian Linux. Is it possible to get this server running your Shard software?