I have gem dragons that need certain gems as food how do i add the gems to basecreature im running runuo 2.0 final
Horse.cs shows this

public override FoodType FavoriteFood
return FoodType.FruitsAndVegies | FoodType.GrainsAndHay;

So under BaseCReature.cs you need to find this

public enum FoodType
None = 0x0000,
Meat = 0x0001,
FruitsAndVegies = 0x0002,
GrainsAndHay = 0x0004,
Fish = 0x0008,
Eggs = 0x0010,
Gold = 0x0020,
Metal = 0x0040

Then add your edible gems to this list, then scroll through all the other FoodTypes within BaseCReature.cs and add in your gems to match the other FoodTypes
Don’t forget the number pattern:

None = 0x0000,
Meat = 0x0001,
FruitsAndVegies = 0x0002,
GrainsAndHay = 0x0004,
Fish = 0x0008,
Eggs = 0x0010,
Gold = 0x0020,
Metal = 0x0040

The next sequence should look like this (starting after Metal = 0x0040)

YourFood1 = 0x0080,
YourFood2 = 0x0100,
YourFood3 = 0x0120,
YourFood4 = 0x0140,
YourFood5 = 0x0200

This is just something not to overlook because there is a pattern here some people don’t see.
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