+ Custom Systems/Automated Staff System - Sythen/RobeOfEntitlement/RobeOfEntitl
CS0115: Line 122: 'Server.Items.Staff.RobeOfEntitlement.OnRemoved(Server.IEn
tity)': no suitable method found to override
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.

I have tried changing IEntity to a couple different things with no luck ill pst the section of code its reffering to.

public override void OnRemoved(IEntity o)
if (o is Mobile)
((Mobile)o).NameMod = null;
((Mobile)o).Title = null;

if (o is Mobile && ((Mobile)o).Kills >= 5)
((Mobile)o).Criminal = true;

if (o is Mobile && ((Mobile)o).GuildTitle != null)
((Mobile)o).DisplayGuildTitle = true;
Have you tried changing IEntity to Object? From docs/types/Item.html (after running [docgen) it states
virtual void OnRemoved( object parent )