So I'm trying to figure out how to change guarded zones.

Basically, I am using a custom map from DarkShrd ( and I'd like to change the existing guarded zone to around the city in this map.

Does anyone know where to start with this?
Yes, I figured I'd need to something custom but I really not sure where to start.

I saw GuardedRegion.cs and it looks like it's using XML but I don't know if it's pulling that from a file or what.

Where/when is GuardedRegion.cs being called?

Where is the XML it's reading?
Ok, I'm looking at the Regions.xml and I see where I need to make the changes. I'm curious as to what "width=?? height=??" is used for exactly.
You set the starting X and Y points and the height and width is the number of tiles to add to the X and Y co-ordinated.

Height-------------------------------------------------------End of Box