We have 3 custom leathers on the shard I play & staff on. I have them working fine with the BODs & with crafting except that they wouldn't show resource name when crafting armor. I decided to convert the resources to string in BaseArmor.cs & now I'm getting the fun CliLoc error for Exceptional pieces. I've made multiple attempts & the closest I've gotten is the armor showing Exceptional Leather Gorget (no resource showing). Seems like I'm destined to get either that or the CLiLoc error when it actually compiles. I know where the problem is (I think), I just havent been able to solve it. So I'm asking for help. The snippet shows the attempt that gives the exceptional leather gorget, but no resource.
        public override void AddNameProperty(ObjectPropertyList list)
            string oreType;

            if (Hue == 0)
                oreType = "";
                switch (m_Resource)
                    case CraftResource.DullCopper: oreType = "Dull Copper"; break; // Dull Copper
                    case CraftResource.ShadowIron: oreType = "Shadow Iron"; break; // Shadow Iron
                    case CraftResource.Copper: oreType = "Copper"; break; // Copper
                    case CraftResource.Bronze: oreType = "Bronze"; break; // Bronze
                    case CraftResource.Gold: oreType = "Gold"; break; // Gold
                    case CraftResource.Agapite: oreType = "Agapite"; break; // Agapite
                    case CraftResource.Verite: oreType = "Verite"; break; // Verite
                    case CraftResource.Valorite: oreType = "Valorite"; break; // valorite
                    case CraftResource.SpinedLeather: oreType = "Spined"; break; // Spined
                    case CraftResource.HornedLeather: oreType = "Horned"; break; // Horned
                    case CraftResource.BarbedLeather: oreType = "Barbed"; break; // Barbed
                    case CraftResource.PyreticLeather: oreType = "Pyretic"; break; // Spined
                    case CraftResource.GlacialLeather: oreType = "Glacial"; break; // Horned
                    case CraftResource.BaneLeather: oreType = "Bane"; break; // Barbed
                    case CraftResource.RedScales: oreType = "Red Scales"; break; // Red
                    case CraftResource.YellowScales: oreType = "Yellow Scales"; break; // Yellow
                    case CraftResource.BlackScales: oreType = "Black Scales"; break; // Black
                    case CraftResource.GreenScales: oreType = "Green Scales"; break; // Green
                    case CraftResource.WhiteScales: oreType = "White Scales"; break; // White
                    case CraftResource.BlueScales: oreType = "Blue Scales"; break; // Blue
                    case CraftResource.AshWood: oreType = "Ash Wood"; break;
                    case CraftResource.YewWood: oreType = "Yew Wood"; break;
                    case CraftResource.Heartwood: oreType = "Heartwood"; break;
                    case CraftResource.Bloodwood: oreType = "Bloodwood"; break;
                    case CraftResource.Frostwood: oreType = "Frostwood"; break;
                    default: oreType = ""; break;

            if (m_ReforgedPrefix != ReforgedPrefix.None || m_ReforgedSuffix != ReforgedSuffix.None)
                if (m_ReforgedPrefix != ReforgedPrefix.None)
                    int prefix = RunicReforging.GetPrefixName(m_ReforgedPrefix);

                    if (m_ReforgedSuffix == ReforgedSuffix.None)
                        list.Add(1151757, String.Format("#{0}\t{1}", prefix, GetNameString())); // ~1_PREFIX~ ~2_ITEM~
                        list.Add(1151756, String.Format("#{0}\t{1}\t#{2}", prefix, GetNameString(), RunicReforging.GetSuffixName(m_ReforgedSuffix))); // ~1_PREFIX~ ~2_ITEM~ of ~3_SUFFIX~
                else if (m_ReforgedSuffix != ReforgedSuffix.None)
                    if (m_ReforgedSuffix == ReforgedSuffix.Blackthorn)
                        list.Add(1154548, String.Format("{0}", GetNameString())); // ~1_TYPE~ bearing the crest of Blackthorn
                    else if (m_ReforgedSuffix == ReforgedSuffix.Minax)
                        list.Add(1154507, String.Format("{0}", GetNameString())); // ~1_ITEM~ bearing the crest of Minax
                        list.Add(1151758, String.Format("{0}\t#{1}", GetNameString(), RunicReforging.GetSuffixName(m_ReforgedSuffix))); // ~1_ITEM~ of ~2_SUFFIX~
            else if (this.m_Quality == ArmorQuality.Exceptional)
                if (oreType == "" ) // << problem area
                    list.Add(1053100,"#{0}\t{1}", oreType, this.GetNameString()); // exceptional ~1_oretype~ ~2_armortype~
                   list.Add(1050040, this.GetNameString()); // exceptional ~1_ITEMNAME~
                if (oreType == "") // << problem area
                    list.Add(1053099, "#{0}\t{1}", oreType, this.GetNameString()); // ~1_oretype~ ~2_armortype~
                else if (this.Name == null)
I've tried if (oreType != "") , if (oreType = ""), if (oreType !=0) & all either give the CliLoc error or wont compile with a "Cant use operands != with string and int" error. Any suggestions, help, go get stuffed, quit bothering me or general laughter because its something really simple?
list.Add(1053099, "#{0}\t{1}", oreType, this.GetNameString());

The problem is with that #. When you include an # in a cliloc format string, it tells the client to interpret the following characters as a cliloc ID (ex #3000000). It's a way to insert one cliloc into another's arguments.

Since you've converted to a string, you should just remove the # that's prefixed to oreType, as the client is trying to parse things like "#Iron" as a cliloc ID - thus the Megacliloc Error.
Awesome.. thankyou! The
if (oreType != "")
did the trick after removing the #. Now they are all crafting with Exceptional Pyretic Leather Gloves (or whatever type I craft) above the stats. :)