Is there any easy way to disable item insurance?

Im building a pk shard, and lets face it a pk shard when everyone has there items insured is going to get boring lol. so im going to be disabling insurance. Before I go through PlayerMobile and remove any references for it, is there any easy way to disable the system?
look in scripts/misc/currentexpansion.cs

around line 17

Mobile.InsuranceEnabled = Enabled; <--- change to false and should work
Hey guys I am trying to do the same thing but keep insurance for gold dump purpose. I have two questions,

1.) Where do I increase the cost of insurance at?
2.) Where can I alter it at so it can be stolen by thieves?

Thanks in advance for thelp!
1. Scripts -> Misc -> Extensions.cs there is the GetInsuranceCost()
2. Scripts -> Skills -> Stealing.cs at like line 255 changing
toSteal.LootType == LootType.Blessed
should do it.