this error I could not fix it and it and tried to change those lines but it tells me the same error always ... I hope I can help :(

+ News Script/CustomRegion/RegionBounds.cs:
CS0246: Line 19: No se puede encontrar el tipo o el nombre de espacio de nom
bres 'CommandEventArgs' (¿falta una directiva using o una referencia de ensambla
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.


  • RegionBounds.cs
    3.5 KB · Views: 2
I think the namespace should be Server.Commands, not Server.Scripts.Commands

Line 8 should read:

namespace Server.Commands
thank friend now say this

+ News Script/CustomRegion/CustomRegion.cs:
CS0115: Line 30: 'Server.Regions.CustomRegion.AllowBenificial(Server.Mobile,
Server.Mobile)': no se encontró ningún miembro adecuado que reemplazar
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.


  • CustomRegion.cs
    5.5 KB · Views: 2
+ News Script/CustomRegion/CustomRegion.cs:
CS1502: Line 13: La mejor coincidencia de método sobrecargado para 'Server.R
egions.GuardedRegion.GuardedRegion(string, Server.Map, int, params Server.Rectan
gle3D[])' tiene algunos argumentos no válidos
CS1503: Line 13: Argumento '2': no se puede convertir de 'string' a 'Server.
CS1503: Line 13: Argumento '3': no se puede convertir de 'Server.Map' a 'int
CS1503: Line 13: Argumento '4': no se puede convertir de 'System.Type' a 'Se
CS0103: Line 15: El nombre 'LoadFromXml' no existe en el contexto actual
+ News Script/CustomRegion/RegionBounds.cs:
CS0234: Line 14: El tipo o el nombre del espacio de nombres 'Register' no ex
iste en el espacio de nombres 'Server.Commands' (¿falta una referencia de ensamb
CS0117: Line 113: 'Server.Region' no contiene una definición para 'Coords'
CS0117: Line 113: 'Server.Region' no contiene una definición para 'Coords'
CS0117: Line 116: 'Server.Region' no contiene una definición para 'Coords'
CS0117: Line 54: 'Server.Region' no contiene una definición para 'Coords'
CS0117: Line 54: 'Server.Region' no contiene una definición para 'Coords'
+ News Script/CustomRegion/RegionStone.cs:
CS0117: Line 521: 'Server.Region' no contiene una definición para 'RemoveReg
CS0117: Line 523: 'Server.Regions.CustomRegion' no contiene una definición p
ara 'Coords'
CS0200: Line 528: No se puede asignar la propiedad o el indizador 'Server.Re
gion.Name' (es de sólo lectura)
CS0200: Line 530: No se puede asignar la propiedad o el indizador 'Server.Re
gion.Priority' (es de sólo lectura)
CS0200: Line 532: No se puede asignar la propiedad o el indizador 'Server.Re
gion.Map' (es de sólo lectura)
CS0117: Line 534: 'Server.Region' no contiene una definición para 'AddRegion
CS0117: Line 599: 'Server.Region' no contiene una definición para 'RemoveReg
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.
Looks like you are using an incompatible script. My Spanish is a bit rusty, but it looks like you have many errors probably due to mixing an older script with a newer one. You need to take each error one by one, and try to change the parameters they are looking for, or find the missing methods that are referenced, and add them in.

Usually, the way you go about this is you need to find out what version of server this script you are adding was originally written for, and you adapt it to fit the current server you are using. Usually, what happens is some methods get changed, so instead of passing a Map, for example, they will pass an integer. If you know WHY they are passing the integer, then you can adapt the call to that method to pass the appropriate value.

It takes some patience and persistence, but I think you will need to give this a shot. You will find that it is a valuable learning experience too.