
Hello I am having trouble one minute my servUO was working I restarted it (didn't add any new scripts)
and now its telling me tiledata.mul was not found and making me delete stuff everytime I try and load it
So its saying there was a problem with an item, and asking you to delete it?
How many items are there to delete, do you know? and what kind of items?

There must be a script that has a serialization flaw, so knowing what the items are can help isolate the file in question. Need more info :)
Are you sure your datapath is correct? If your server was working fine and then started to have error's I would think something had changed?
tiledata.mul was not found
Make sure your Scripts/Misc/DataPath.cs is properly configured
After pressing return an exception will be thrown and the server will terminate
An error was encountered while loading a saved object
- Type: Server.Items.StatueEast
- Serial: 0x4001A9C7
Delete the object? (y/n)
You need to manually set your DataPath.cs to your client files. Make sure it is a SEPARATE installation of client files than you're using to log in with. This is not something thats preset - you must do it manually prior to starting the server up.
yea coz I moved my ultima client to dif hard drive that's when it started happening and when I put it back still same how to I datapath.cs to my client file
Open DataPath.cs, and where it is written: private static string CustomPath = null;

Enter the directory path to your UO game installation folder like private static string CustomPath = @"C:\runuo\client";
You should see a list of files in that DataPath.cs file as well, and should create a new directory somewhere (like in above) and copy the files listed in DataPath.cs from your UO folder, to this new one. The new folder would be the directory you enter in the above line.

That is what m309 meant about having a second folder of files for the server to run on.
Open the DataPath.cs and input the correct directory location of the client files on Line 16

private static readonly string CustomPath = @"C:\folder\folder\files";

If you go to your files location, right click, select properties. You can highlight the "Location", and just paste it over everything within the " ". You may have to add the last folder location depending on your Windows version.

Edit: Dian posted as I was typing, but yup!
lol okay sorry about this still learning do I put in my Servuo Directory or my client in the private static string CustomPath
The datapath entry should be the new folder with the UO files copied into it. This way your server runs on its own files, and your game client will not interfere with it.
private static readonly string CustomPath = @"D:\RunuoClassic\Electronic Arts\Ultima Online Classic";
Open your folder get the path of your game folder then copy and paste it-yours could be C drive -where ever you have this :)
thanks guys your bloody awesome I had wrong directory in there empty folder with uo and full folder I writ in the empty folder many thanks :)
Also before you compile your server you should also add in your game files path to Server\OpenUOSDK.cs
public static string ClientDataPath = @"C:\folder\folder\filesfolder";

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