I'm brand new to this and attempting to pick my way through the code.

I am attempting to get the unicorns to drop the purple Unicorn Ribs quest item as either a loot drop or, preferably, a butcher drop.

I've found the two scripts i need:



scripts>quests>bedlam>mistaken identity>items>UnicornRibs.cs

And my issue is figuring out how to properly add UnicornRibs as a carve/loot drop. Any pointers would be much appreciated.
Hi there,
First welcome to the world of coding! :)
If you need it let me know and i'll happily post up the finished version but i'll try and walk you through it and give you some pointers on how to do it yourself.
If you head into SAPixie.cs to use as an example in that script there is an "OnDeath" method that starts like this;
public override void OnDeath(Container c)
Everything inside the two curly brackets { } is part of that method and is exectured OnDeath as the name suggests (The whole code behind this is in much longer but you don't need to worry about that as it simply "calls" that method which states "Do this on death"

The item that the SA Pixie drops is a PixieLeg you're going to want to change that to UnicornRib you'll also notice that there is some random chance involved I would leave it at the same it currently is as per the SAPixie.cs as the Unicorn Ribs don't drop on every unicorn as per OSI (If you wan't differently then do say so and i'll help you out with that!)

Let me know how you get on and good luck!
That was clear as glass, I now have a successful rib drop.
I should be able to figure a few more things out now, thank you very much!