I'm trying to collect gold directly in the masterstorage to pay a hues stone with gump

I get this error

CS1061: Line 162: 'Server.Mobile' does not contain a definition for 'daat99' and no extension method 'daat99' that accepts a first argument of type 'Server.Mobile' was found (a using directive or a is the assembly reference missing?)

and this is the script

#region References

using System;
using System.Collections;
using Server.Items;
using Server.Mobiles;
using Server.Network;

namespace Server.Gumps

    public class HueListGumpGold : Gump
        private ArrayList Rewards;

        private int y_inc = 20;
        private int x_creditoffset = 100;
        private int x_pointsoffset = 280; //was 480
        private int maxItemsPerPage = 25;
        private readonly int viewpage;

        public const int TOTAL_HUES = 3000;

        public HueListGumpGold(Mobile from, int page) : base(20, 30)
            from.CloseGump(typeof (HueListGumpGold));

            viewpage = page;

            int height = maxItemsPerPage*y_inc + 120;
            int width = x_pointsoffset + 65;

            PlayerMobile pm = from as PlayerMobile;

            AddBackground(0, 0, width, height, 0xA28 /*0x2436*/);

            AddHtml(0, 20, width, 50, "<basefont color=yellow><center>THE HUE CENTER", false, false);//Edit the title

            AddLabel(width - 175, 40, 1271, String.Format("100k Per One Use Tub"));

            AddButton(45, height - 35, 0xFB7, 0xFB9, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            AddLabel(80, height - 35, 0, "Close");

            AddLabel(width - 205, height - 35, 1149, String.Format("Page: {0}/{1}", viewpage + 1, 3000/maxItemsPerPage + 1));

            // page up and down buttons
            AddButton(width - 85, height - 35, 0x15E0, 0x15E4, 13, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            AddButton(width - 65, height - 35, 0x15E2, 0x15E6, 12, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            AddLabel(50, 50, 32, "Hue");

            int y = 50;
            for (int i = 0; i < TOTAL_HUES; i++)
                if (i/maxItemsPerPage != viewpage)

                y += y_inc;

                int texthue = i;
                string color = Convert.ToString(texthue + 1);

                AddLabel(50, y + 3, texthue, color);

                AddItem(x_creditoffset, y, 0xFAB, texthue + 1);

                //The Button That Hues
                AddButton(width - 180, y, 0x992, 0x993, i + 4000, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

            AddHtml(width - 120, height - 400, 90, 200,
                @"<basefont color = cyan><center>Enter a hue number to jump directly to it's page:", false, false);
            AddAlphaRegion(width - 110, height - 320, 65, 20);
            AddTextEntry(width - 110, height - 320, 65, 20, 54, 14, @"1");
            AddButton(width - 40, height - 317, 2224, 2224, 15, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

        public override void OnResponse(NetState state, RelayInfo info)
            if (info == null || state == null || state.Mobile == null)

            Mobile from = state.Mobile;
            bool bought = false;

            switch (info.ButtonID)
                case 12:
                    // page up
                    int nitems = 0;
                    nitems = 3000;

                    int page = viewpage + 1;
                    if (page > nitems/maxItemsPerPage)
                        page = nitems/maxItemsPerPage;
                    state.Mobile.SendGump(new HueListGumpGold(state.Mobile, page));
                case 13:
                    // page down
                    page = viewpage - 1;
                    if (page < 0)
                        page = 0;
                    state.Mobile.SendGump(new HueListGumpGold(state.Mobile, page));
                case 15:
                    // go to hue page
                    int hueToFind = 0;

                    string huestring = info.GetTextEntry(14).Text;

                        hueToFind = Convert.ToInt32(huestring, 10);
                        hueToFind = 1;

                    if (hueToFind < 1)
                        hueToFind = 1;

                    if (hueToFind > TOTAL_HUES)
                        hueToFind = TOTAL_HUES;

                    if (hueToFind == null)
                        hueToFind = 1;

                    //int toalpages = TOTAL_HUES/maxItemsPerPage;
                    int pageHueFound = (hueToFind - 1)/maxItemsPerPage;

                    state.Mobile.SendGump(new HueListGumpGold(state.Mobile, pageHueFound));

                    if (info.ButtonID >= 4000 && info.ButtonID < 7001)
                        int hueselection = info.ButtonID - 3999;
                        int pageHueFound = (hueselection)/maxItemsPerPage;

                             if (from.BankBox.ConsumeTotal( typeof( Gold ), 1000 ))
                             if (from.daat99.MasterStorageUtils.ConsumeTotal( typeof( Gold ), 1000 ))
                            UniversalDyeTub rdt = new UniversalDyeTub();
                            rdt.Hue = hueselection;
                            rdt.Hue = hueselection;
                            state.Mobile.SendMessage("You purchase a one use rare dye tub with hue {0}.", hueselection.ToString());
                            state.Mobile.SendGump(new HueListGumpGold(state.Mobile, pageHueFound));
                            bought = false;
                        state.Mobile.SendMessage("There was not enough gold in your Bank Box to purchase a dye tub.");


I think something is wrong with interaction between: namespace Server.Gumps, server.mobile and the missed namespace Server.Items.

Thx for support
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