I am using RunUO 2.2 and have added a transformation spell that reduces damage to the transformed party by 20%. I accomplished this by modifying the Damage method in PlayerMobile (included below). I am wondering if there is an easy way to have this apply only to non-spell damage. Thanks in advance for any help.

public override void Damage( int amount, Mobile from )
            if ( Spells.Necromancy.EvilOmenSpell.TryEndEffect( this ) )
                amount = (int)(amount * 1.25);

            Mobile oath = Spells.Necromancy.BloodOathSpell.GetBloodOath( from );

                /* Per EA's UO Herald Pub48 (ML):
                * ((resist spellsx10)/20 + 10=percentage of damage resisted)

            if ( oath == this )
                amount = (int)(amount * 1.1);

                if( amount > 35 && from is PlayerMobile )  /* capped @ 35, seems no expansion */
                    amount = 35;

                if( Core.ML )
                    from.Damage( (int)(amount * ( 1 - ((( from.Skills.MagicResist.Value * .5 ) + 10) / 100 ))), this );
                    from.Damage( amount, this );

            if ( from != null && Talisman is BaseTalisman )
                BaseTalisman talisman = (BaseTalisman) Talisman;

                if ( talisman.Protection != null && talisman.Protection.Type != null )
                    Type type = talisman.Protection.Type;

                    if ( type.IsAssignableFrom( from.GetType() ) )
                        amount = (int)( amount * ( 1 - (double)talisman.Protection.Amount / 100 ) );

            if (!this.CanBeginAction(typeof(TrasnformationSpell)) )
                amount = (int)(amount * 0.80);  


            base.Damage( amount, from );