So i have this item that im trying to prevent it from being hold inside a container, i want players be able to put inside their backpack but not inside any other container such as bags, metalchests... etc, this is what i have right now but is not working, right now its not letting me put the item inside any container.


public override bool CheckHold( Mobile m, Item item, bool message, bool checkItems, int plusItems, int plusWeight )
            if ( IsSecure && !BaseHouse.CheckHold( m, this, item, message, checkItems, plusItems, plusWeight ) )
                return false;
            if ( item is myitemcarg || ( item is Container && Parent == null &&  ((Container)item).FindItemByType(

typeof( myitemcarg ) ) != null ) )
                    m.SendMessage( "You cant put that item inside of a container." );

                    return false;
            return base.CheckHold( m, item, message, checkItems, plusItems, plusWeight );

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The way I did it was:

inside the item's script rather than changing Container.cs
public override bool DropToItem(Mobile from, Item target, Point3D p)
                if (target == from.Backpack)
                    return base.DropToItem(from, target, p);
                    from.SendMessage("You cant put that item inside of a container.");           
                    return false;