WiKKiD submitted a new resource:

Peacock mount - Ridable Peacock in Client Patch 100

Noted some other folks chatting about a Ridable Peacock that was sort of hidden in the new Patch100 client. So I went poking about and came up with this fella.

The Peacock here is based on just a plain ole Ostard.

Details: Hex Num
Body Value: 0x5A0 1440
Mounted ID: 0x3ECF 16079
Shrink ID: 0xA0C0 41152 (For Xanthos shrink if you have)

Drop Peacock.cs into your scripts folder.

[justif]View attachment 11706[/justif]

Picture: The small Peacock is the proper Shrink...

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So after latest Servuo Commit like today's or yesterday, all custom mounts have gone invisible, and players or me are unable to sit on chairs ;)
Details: Hex Num
Body Value: 0x5A0 1440
Mounted ID: 0x3ECF 16079
Shrink ID: 0xA0C0 41152 (For Xanthos shrink if you have)
From Wikkids post above
It seems that Client version even with the latest art files cannot display a mounted peacock. Same with the tiger.

I can't use a later client.exe than that because the multi file format changed and my shard has many custom player houses. Also client versions later than this one cannot control the game window size with razor, so you are stuck with the max built in size of 1280 x 768 unless anyone has found a way to over-ride that.
Newbie question, whenever I spawn the mount in game they appear invisible and I see the name in the corner of my screen, I am guessing I am not installing this right, is there a method?