I and a few players on my shard have come up with plans for a Player Manged Town system. I have limited scripting abilities, mostly manipulating existing scripts or creating very simple scripts. It is likely that I could eventually script this, or much of it (there are a few tricky areas), given enough time, research and considerable forum posts asking for help. I am in hopes of hiring this out to a more capable coder with more knowledge of the game than I posses in hopes of fast tracking it and freeing me up to concentrate on areas I am better at (map work, deco, lore, modifying simple scripts, etc).

I am willing to pay, and will do so promptly, though whether we go ahead with it is dependent upon how much it will cost. This is something we would have to discuss. I have put together a google doc with the desired details of the system. The planned system is quite extensive and detailed, and need not necessarily be scripted in full. I can fill in certain areas. I am in hopes of at least getting the basic framework together, including the difficult areas, with all parts working together and with the existing framework of the shard. It is similar to an existing system I have acquired, I think from Rel Por, though this would work with existing towns rather than player created towns, and would not involve placing structures. I was going to try to modify this script, and can share it as a possible starting point to reduce time and effort. In the same vein, perhaps someone has a script that they are willing to share and that achieves the same results. I am also open to suggestions about how to improve the system, simply it, etc.

Please drop me a pm if interested. Thanks in advance.