
I have looked all over the forum and can’t find an answer to my question, so maybe some of you vet shard owners can help me.
My ISP has a data limit. If I run a home server for a few friends and myself, say maybe 5 players or so, and I keep the server running 24 hours a day (except for restarts) how much data do you think it will use?
is there a way to see the server data usage and monitor it?
Not exactly the same, but...

I had a player that was using their mobile to tether and play while at work. They were worried about going over their data limit. I played just about every single day (mostly idling on a GM account). I checked my own data usage and it was shockingly low, something like 180mb in 3 weeks. As I understand, that'd be about the same data usage on the server side. So, 180mb per player per month?

Hope it helps!
Not exactly the same, but...

I had a player that was using their mobile to tether and play while at work. They were worried about going over their data limit. I played just about every single day (mostly idling on a GM account). I checked my own data usage and it was shockingly low, something like 180mb in 3 weeks. As I understand, that'd be about the same data usage on the server side. So, 180mb per player per month?

Hope it helps!
Thanks for the reply, and the info!

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