I am trying to set up some spawners so that they will spawn a creature when a player is carrying a specific item. I have tried setting this up through the props menu but it doesn't work. I don't normally work with XML Spawners, most of what I do is coded directly in.

Is this still workable with what has been taken out of distro XML Spawner?
I am trying to set up some spawners so that they will spawn a creature when a player is carrying a specific item. I have tried setting this up through the props menu but it doesn't work. I don't normally work with XML Spawners, most of what I do is coded directly in.

Is this still workable with what has been taken out of distro XML Spawner?
Hi *waves*
If you using the latest ServUO, some of the Keywords no longer work (a lot of the Addons packages were removed).
But I have had some instances where the item name was tricky to work with in a working Xmlspawer install.
Usually the Raw name works. (the name you see when you hover an item where the Name prop is -null-)
Xmlspawner will add the "" to whatever you enter.
Like checking for a QuestBook would be:
QuestBookTitle,X (where X represents which stage of the Quest the player is on to trigger the Xmlspawner, starting with 0 and then each Objective adds 1 stage)
If this is a quest, then checking for the QuestBook is the easier path. Otherwise try a single name for an item and see if it works. Instead of Longsword of Death, just Longsword. Then expand; Longsword of or Longsword Of or Longsword OF.
Syntax is very, very important.
PM if you need to! ;)