
Could i save all of my current custom spawns and re spawn them on a different server as is? I want to reboot my server, but i don't want to respawn everything that i put in that's custom. Not just the xml quests, i know how to save those. I mean just a regular spawn, say i added ogres to a dungeon or made the spawns more or less thick. Id like to be able to save those and respawn on a different server. Can i do that?
Ok i got all of my spawns, on to a different more updated server. But what is the difference between saving a map and saving the spawns? I saved the map from my other server thinking it saved everything a built that wasnt a spawn but it didnt. So im not sure what the difference is in it now?
You might be talking about the different file types you can save the spawners as. XML spawner was made compatible with the other couple major spawners at the time, and they used different file type to load and save. Otherwise, they all do the same thing, save spawner items from the world, or load them into. Nothing more than spawners though, no matter what file type you use.

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