
I've heard of using the xmlspawner to create all the default spawns in the world. (Forest, Dungeons, Towns, Ect.) I have the latest program, is there a command I can say to create all the default spawns, or do I have to place them all myself?
This might help you with the XML Spawner in the future.

Edit: also found this.

ArteGordon said:
To load the examples, you must first place the .xml files either in the top level directory of the RunUO installation (kind of messy), or in a folder named "Spawns" that has been placed in the top level RunUO directory (less messy). These are the two default search locations for .xml spawn files.

Once they are there, you can load them with

[xmlload filename


[xmlloadhere filename

[xmlload restores the spawns to their original locations, [xmlloadhere preserves the relative positions of multiple spawners within the file, but centers them on your current location, instead of the original location.

If you wanted to put them in a folder within the Spawns folder, then just give the path

[xmlload Examples/filename
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Yeah I've been there, been googleing the crap out of this :p but I don't see anything in there about world spawning.
Okay, I got that in my customs now, so how do I spawn everything? :p
If you are referring to the 'osi spawn mostly accurate' xml file. It does not belong in your customs folder it belongs in your servuo base directory or ServUO/Spawns or you can make a new folder in the Spawns folder such as ServUO/Spawns/OSI.
You can't load a spawn file if it's not in either of those two default locations.

Then try typing in game "[xmlload AccurateSpawn.xml"
If you do it in a new folder in the spawns folder you may have to type something like [xmlload OSI/AccurateSpawn.xml
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Could you please not double post. Just edit a previous post if no one else has posted after it and if you have more to say. Thank you!

So how far along are you now? Also i'm not saying this is 100% what you want, but it is a valid command and we can both learn something from doing this.
So you put the accuratespawn.xml in your base ServUO directory or in Servuo/Spawns, correct?
Now launch your ServUO server and as an admin type [xmlload accuratespawn.xml and if nothing happens then. report back.
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"accuratespawn does not exist"
Can you give a yes or no as to if you have put the accuratespawn.xml file in the ServUO directory or Servuo/Spawns folder?
Did you type [xmlload AccurateSpawn.xml ?

Also double or 'bump' posting will not provide any extra help when you are waiting for someone to aid you. People can see your thread on the forums, it's not hidden.
If you want faster help you need to provide as much detail as possible, proper spelling, and be willing to learn and do some things on your own. Patients never hurts either. If you have not gotten a reply to your problem in 24 hours try providing more detail to get people to aid you better.
Oh, just a sec, watch this post :p Whoa that's a lot of spawns 0.0 Thank you so much guys :3 (PS. I forgot the ".xml" at the end -_-)
I'm very glad you got it to work. I have never actually used the xml load command before.
Be sure to give Ravenwolfe's resource a review ;)

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