Recent content by Alrick

  1. Alrick

    Sleeping in Beds/Bedrolls

    Doesn't look like ClassicUO supports those effects, as there's still an open aknowledged enhancement request: Full screen fade and flashing effects · Issue #1382 · ClassicUO/ClassicUO
  2. Alrick

    Looking for partners

    Custom map and UOR?! Count me in!
  3. Alrick

    Long time UO emulation fan here

    Hello everyone I'm Alek from Ukraine. I started playing UO in 1999 when I was 15 y.o., later got into server emulation when SphereServer 51a came out, and built my custom map private server in 2002. I feel that UO influenced me a lot during my young years: I learned programming thanks to UO...
  4. Alrick

    EC Client Infos

    nibbio, thank you for these tools! I've searched for mul to new-uop packer all around. Yours is only one publicly available. Now I can use CenterED to edit the map and then put it into Enhanced Client. Lava is just beautiful in EC and it also handles the transitions...
  5. Alrick

    Highly recommended read: The Martian by Andy Weir. Audiobook is good too.

    Highly recommended read: The Martian by Andy Weir. Audiobook is good too.
  6. Alrick

    Dawn UO

    Sounds awesome. You should post on reddit. Some shard requests appear from time to time and only three or so shards are discussed. You'll definately fill a niche. There was even a guy looking for hard gains shard recently. For your convenience:
  7. Alrick


    Alrick here. I'm 29 and from Ukraine. A bit of background: Built my own small shard (15 online peak lol) with custom map using Sphere 51a back in 2002. Then got onboard as worldbuilder and scripter of a bigger (5 people) project using POL. It was such a blast for me after my Sphere 51a...