Recent content by eri

  1. eri


    eri submitted a new resource: Portal - new moongate animation Read more about this resource...
  2. eri

    Art Portal 01

    The year is over The new year is already at the gates It is now up to you to walk through it It should take you to places of joy It should take you to places of challenge where you can grow It should take you to places that give you the freedom you need to develop The resource will soon...
  3. eri

    sorry no, i didn't work on the map since month

    sorry no, i didn't work on the map since month
  4. eri

    Custo Map - HELP

    my stuff works with pre uop-clients - max is 7.0.23 but you can change them to uop
  5. eri

    Custo Map - HELP

    when you are using a custom map, you need to remove all osi-files that contains static parts. osi save static information not only in the regular static/staidx files. so remove all static0.def/dif / staidx0def/dif from your folder. you will only need this mulfiles (or uop) statics0.mul...
  6. eri


    maybe you have a higher build and other ending -> .mul / .uop
  7. eri


    hello, did you tried only a new art.mul at your uo-folder? art.mul didn´t work with artidx.mul from an other build. both files need to be from the same build. same like static & staidx
  8. eri

    Custom Maps

    i did some worlds you can get for free. Grafikportal | enjoy!
  9. eri

    Custom Map Making

    in client it is hardcoded where the black dungeonarea starts. so you can NOT create over the whole size your map, cause there is that break like you have in your second picture the first picture is ok. you need to know, that uo shows black if you are at the border of the map - that is normal.
  10. eri

    Custom Maps

    as golfin said, my files are only mulfiles, no uop. the latest client you can use plug&play is 7.0.23. it is possible to run my files with latest client, but than you need to change them to uop - but i give no uop suport. be sure to use ALL mulfiles from my website, not only art. i modifed some...
  11. eri

    Custom Maps

    the forell map is done by me, and you need my uo-pixel-mulfiles to get it run.
  12. eri

    Not new, but newly returned!

    welcome back m309
  13. eri


    you can choose 2 different builds : 6er client build or 7er client build with max 7.0.23 (pre uop) be sure you use the right mulfiles
  14. eri

    what paint program do you use

    .aco belong to photoshop but at every dragon version is a bmp-image with the color table. so choose the graphictool you wanted an pick up the hue from that image
  15. eri


    be sure you did the indexed bmp right

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