Recent content by Izex

  1. Izex

    UO OpenAI Project

    The problem is that the AI never responded properly even once. It might have been my API key then, thanks for the answer.
  2. Izex

    UO OpenAI Project

    Thanks for making this it is something I always wanted :D I did have a problem with the NPC just saying he needs time to think in various ways instead of responding in any meaningful way. Do you know why that would happen?
  3. Izex

    Custom Maps

    You will need CentrED+ and UOFiddler to edit maps/files.
  4. Izex

    UO Gateway Status

    I was wondering why I wasn't able to vote on it anymore. Thanks for the update and for running it for as long as you did!
  5. Izex

    Paragon UO

    Added a new launcher that you can download at and you can see the virus total for the file here It will prompt you to make sure you trust the file...
  6. Izex

    All-In-One: Installer, Patcher, Launcher (IPL)

    You need to get the vita nex vault pass under the store.
  7. Izex

    UO Architect 2.7.# Installation Steps for ServUO - 57 to Current (7/2021)

    I had this exact problem and removing true at the end fixed it for me. Thank you!
  8. Izex

    Looking for Diablo 2 Socket System by Hog Freg

    What version of ServUO are you using?
  9. Izex

    Paragon UO

    Added a Diablo 2 gem socketing and mining system and added a Diablo 2/3 style monster modifiers. 15 different modifiers (5 per creature max) that have a 1% chance of being applied to a creature on spawn (such as jailer, teleporter, pet controller). The gem socketing system is from the forums...
  10. Izex

    Just curios about the compile

    Debug is in another .bat file and as far as having to compile before starting the server it's to save time loading the server when you restart a server with no changes.
  11. Izex

    Squire System borrowed from RunUO

    Glad you are doing well :) I have a small server and all the players really love your squire system! There have been some fixes to the code since I use a much newer ServUO version now but a lot of great work was put into it.
  12. Izex

    Return of the Staff Toolbar

    Thank you for getting this working!
  13. Izex

    CentrED+ problem with cedserver

    How did you fix it?
  14. Izex

    Admin no longer staff on death?

    It should have auto-made you staff again. If not then just go edit your account and make it owner again
  15. Izex

    Unbeatable AI?

    If you are a good coder you could make an AI like this.