Recent content by ORPY

  1. Crash log

    Just wanted to report that after I made it launch always as admin I have not had the issue again. Thanks PyrO.
  2. Crash log

    Let me try and see if it's because I am not running it as administrator.
  3. Crash log

    No. Just left the server running came back home and found it like that. It's happening often for some reason.
  4. Crash log

    it was like that for an hour before a closed it. I had changed so it would save every hour instead of every 15 mins. could that be the issue?
  5. Crash log

    Now that you mention it, it is glitching when it tries to save. Just stays like this.
  6. Crash log

    Here is a new one. Does anyone know why this happens?
  7. NPC teach skill

    How do I remove the grey out effect from the drop down? I Got the code so they can teach up to 50 skill points. But the drop down is greyed out. I can still select the skill and increase to 50. But being greyed out might confused players.
  8. Reward gump text

    Thanks for the workaround, I'll do that instead of the individual hammer. When I complete the reward, I get the hammer as a reward; it just does not display the name on the quest gump of what you are going to get...
  9. Reward gump text

    It does not, I had already tried it.
  10. Reward gump text

    How do I add text to the reward? Currently I can only see another bullet indicating that there is another reward... This is the code: public ItsHammerTimeQuest() : base() { this.AddObjective(new ApprenticeObjective(SkillName.Blacksmith, 50, "Gorge's Shop", 1077733, 1077734))...
  11. Runebooks

    Thanks all. @zerodowned I don't have a townhouse system. Sharing my files as I finally got it to work. :) Created a new item called Runebooklibrary, works same as a runebook, just does not allow anyone to remove the runes. If anyone makes this code better, please share back. :)
  12. Runebooks

    I tried doing this myself, but I am getting an error because of the runebookgump.
  13. Skill increases as a quest reward.

    It worked, thanks!
  14. Skill increases as a quest reward.

    How can I change the name of the item so it will display on the NPC gump with a player is reading it?
  15. Skill increases as a quest reward.

    Thanks guys!

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