Recent content by Thagoras

  1. Thagoras

    CentrED server opens and suddenly closes, even if launched as admin

    Okay. I don't know your specific situation clearly yet...but hopefully we can get to the bottom of this. I've had this happen to me before...on both the server and client end, so when we figure out which scenario you're dealing with I can offer a few suggestions. What client version is the map...
  2. Thagoras

    OSI plant replacements

    I actually got the game when I was going through a Simulator kick...some time in the early 2000's. And then I didn't put the pieces together until I really got into modifying UO. I kept scouring internet looking for a way to extract the sprites or a site where someone already had, but found...
  3. Thagoras

    OSI plant replacements

    Yes they are. I didn't want to say where they were pulled from because I enjoy when people try to guess the source. It was a challenge because I didn't have a way to extract them from the data files so I was forced to do screen captures...and remove all superfluous pixels. I actually spent a...
  4. Thagoras

    OSI plant replacements

    Thagoras submitted a new resource: OSI plant replacements - A collection of plant sprites to replace the stock OSI plants Read more about this resource...
  5. Thagoras

    Art OSI plant replacements 1.0

    These are from a 28 year old game...which has been labeled abandoned. I still have the CD. I'm surprised nobody has liberated these before now. I had to do everything manually...including adjusting the colors and modifying the sprites to work with UO. A note about the pussy willow: The...
  6. Thagoras

    Working on a project that I've been putting off for a while....that I'm going to share. See my...

    Working on a project that I've been putting off for a while....that I'm going to share. See my banner!
  7. Thagoras

    Moongate System

    Do these gates have anything in common? How are they different from the other gates which don't get cycled? I need to replicate this issue so I can fix it but don't know where to start.
  8. Thagoras

    Moongate System

    I tried to get it to do that on my shard....I couldn't. Here's a thought. I ran into this while I was working on my decorator. Have you restarted the server since you've noticed this happening? I'm thinking maybe I didn't make sure that one timer was removed before creating another. Having...
  9. Thagoras

    Moongate System

    Define "triangle"....because finding triads (where you go from one gate, to another, to another and back to the first one) isn't uncommon. You'd see this on OSI frequently...and it doesn't mean there's something wrong with the code....though I could look into it more. Perhaps triads result...
  10. Thagoras

    Moongate System

    On tick, the controller sends the command to each moongate to update itself. The GetInformation() module in ClassicPublicMoongate.cs then simply advances where it is on the array to the next legal destination. If it's at the end of the array, it starts the cycle over. This system is dependent...
  11. Thagoras

    Fast Travel: Carriage & Ferry System

    Nice!...Looks like an update of the old SailMaster system.
  12. Thagoras

    Auto-Decorator 2000

    Thagoras updated Auto-Decorator 2000 with a new update entry: Added central controller Read the rest of this update entry...
  13. Thagoras

    Auto-Decorator 2000 - Added central controller

    Should be the final update. I added a central controller so you can access all the autocontrollers from a central location...Control Room friendly.
  14. Thagoras

    Auto-Decorator 2000

    Thagoras updated Auto-Decorator 2000 with a new update entry: Fixed a small bug I overlooked. Read the rest of this update entry...
  15. Thagoras

    Auto-Decorator 2000 - Fixed a small bug I overlooked.

    Just found a small bug which I overlooked. I thought I took care of this at an earlier date and didn't discover it until I was decorating my shard.