Vert-I-Go's latest activity

  • Vert-I-Go
    Vert-I-Go replied to the thread Advanced interior tool.
    I took the script from here modded it for RunUO 2.6 which should work for ServUO and fiddled with the gump a bit. Some of the cliloc...
    • decorate.jpg
  • Vert-I-Go
    Vert-I-Go posted the thread Pan Flute in Art.
    Vert-I-Go submitted a new resource: Pan Flute - pan Flute Read more about this resource... Just to give you an Idea, I use the 5...
  • Vert-I-Go
    Vert-I-Go created the resource Art Pan Flute in Art.
    Here is a pan Flute item art plus a script written in RunUO 2.6 its written using a BaseInstrument.cs that has 5 sounds instead of just...
    • flute1.jpg
    • flute2.jpg
  • Vert-I-Go
    Vert-I-Go replied to the thread In-Game Bestiary.
    Doesn't seem to work for RunUO 2.6 sadly :(
  • Vert-I-Go
    Vert-I-Go replied to the thread Socket Error when connecting..
    It might be his firewall blocking that application since UO is an older program or if he is using razor or other means to connect...
  • Vert-I-Go
    Vert-I-Go replied to the thread Creative Scripters RunUO 2.6.
    Well got it down to only 23 spells left to write lol. These are all priest spells based off Deities in the Forgotten Realms Pantheon of...
  • Vert-I-Go
    Vert-I-Go replied to the thread Fighting Effects.
    Another easy way to do this is like nightmare with breath weapon but change the item id for the effect Like for my white dragons i...
  • Vert-I-Go
    Vert-I-Go replied to the thread Archer/Hunters Camp.
    Could be easier if you made this into a multi and used a basecamp script for it instead of a addon. Just a thought.
  • Vert-I-Go
    Vert-I-Go replied to the thread Fighting Effects.
    Luthius the coder for outlands is an Amazing coder and is very advanced and has totally rewriten the entire core of the server so he...
  • Vert-I-Go
    Vert-I-Go replied to the thread Fighting Effects.
    I think most mobs do area effect spells like earthquake and blizzard stuff for large scale fights against multple targets. Ill share my...
  • Vert-I-Go
    Vert-I-Go posted the thread Spirit World? in Lobby.
    Was sitting around today and had a thought has anyone ever thought about making mobiles for the spirit world? Like a healer when your...
  • Vert-I-Go
    Vert-I-Go replied to the thread Titles.cs question.
    Did Constitution also for max hits and regen rates. added proficiencies weapon and non weapon adds so much more flavor to the game...
  • Vert-I-Go
    Vert-I-Go replied to the thread Titles.cs question.
    OK see I never knew about thresholds. I will give that a try. something new I have learned. sounds like what I am looking for or close...
  • Vert-I-Go
    Vert-I-Go replied to the thread Titles.cs question.
    No players have set charisma could be 50 could be 30 could be 70 to start and it could go up or down depending on karma gain or loss...
  • Vert-I-Go
    Vert-I-Go replied to the thread Titles.cs question.
    Thats times 10 your not understanding what I mean. Once you hit a karma level of positive karma 1249 you gain 10 points of Charisma. and...