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  1. Nikodemus

    ObjectExt.cs:line 60

    System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at System.ObjectExtUtility.GetEventDelegates(Object obj, String eventName) in VitaNex\Core\Extensions\System\ObjectExt.cs:line 60.#region Header.. Server: ServUO-57.3 old Code: public static Delegate[]...
  2. Nikodemus

    Import graphics from the clipboard

    I'm currently trying to implement an extension in UoFiddler, and I'm facing an issue where everything is imported from the clipboard except for the item list. In CentrEd, it is displayed correctly except for the white outline around it. However, on the server, the image is statically made white...
  3. Nikodemus

    Michelangelo Error 339

    Can anyone tell what error it is and/or how to solve the problem? Windows 10 client with new .NET Framework installed, as well as older versions. Started with admin privileges, but still encountering the same error. mmmhhh More than likely the control is not registered properly when the app...