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  1. ReApEr

    The Gluttonous Blade

    ReApEr submitted a new resource: The Gluttonous Blade - A cursed blade that requires to fed fed Gold. Read more about this resource...
  2. ReApEr

    total noob question

    I'm creating a Pet wars Token that when double clicked creates A pet with the title "Pet wars" amognst other things. I have it looking at this value here to summon the pet; [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.Administrator )] public BaseCreature Pet { get{ return...
  3. ReApEr

    Day/Night System

    Servuo UO I was wanting to implement a day/night cycle on UO So I thought Id give Time System v2.0.6 A go. I managed to get it to compile, with a few changes but now I get a crash on world load. System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at...
  4. ReApEr

    Alter Item to Gargoyle

    Is there anyway to make the Alter Item button on Tools work on Custom armor? I mean I know I can add [Alterable(typeof(DefTailoring), typeof(GargishLeatherArms))] To Custom Arms say but why do i have to when LeatherArms already has it that in it? using Server.Engines.Craft; namespace...
  5. ReApEr

    Adding Abilities to the FS animal taming system

    Hey guys and gals. Now i'm not entirely sure what i'm doing wrong. I've edited the PetLevelGump.cs to contain; //Test HowlOfCacophony if ( bc.Level > 17 ) { AddLabel(60, 300, 1149, @"250 Ability Points Required per ability")...
  6. ReApEr


    Servuo Version Latest OS Windows 10 fully updated. Okay, So I'm trying to make a deed that can change any human armor to the gargoyles equivalent. Problem is i can't override the canbewornbygargoyles from within the deed. I was hoping i could just make the deed drag and drop without making...
  7. ReApEr

    Gump help

    AddHtml( 220, 94, 160, 18, "<basefont color = #FFD57A>AI Type</basefont>", false, false ); // AI Type AddHtml( 220, 124, 160, 18, "<basefont color = #A3D7FF><div align=right>{0}%</div></basefont>c.AI" , LabelColor, false, false ); [/CODE] Im trying to add the basecreatures AI to a gump But...
  8. ReApEr

    FS Animal taming and Discordance

    I've been going through servers and noticed that there are so many that use FS animal taming. There is a bug with it where if your pet is discorded you can go over the resists caps set by the script. I think I found a way to stop this (see attached) By changing PoisonResistance to...
  9. ReApEr

    Adding a value to defcrafting?

    I was just curious if it was possible to add a value to a custom item in definscription? The server crashes as its being forced to create the item with no value. (At least that's what i think) Now I by no means no what i'm doing, I know i could just create scrolls with values of 5, 10, 15, 20...
  10. ReApEr

    NPC casting speed

    Hey guys, just curious does anyone know what handles NPC casting speed and cast recovery?
  11. ReApEr


    Hey there just joined the forum today and was told I needed to make a port to confirm i'm human. As much as I'd like to say I'm a cyborg as that would be pretty need. I am not.