So, I put these on a spawner. Players can pick up a box and when they double click it, it becomes theirs. No one else can open it except them(and staff.)
****I made a drop barrel for them to put their Christmas wish boxes in, that again, only staff can access(will post if you want it)
So, now...
I love this guy! Koodos to the creator! I just changed him around a bit.
You can place him at the North Pole or wherever you want for the holidays.
** Must be in a house you own.
Players double click him and it asks what they want for Christmas.
They simply type in what they want from Santa and...
This is the tree with the presents at the base from the latest patch.
I made it with Addongen.
If anyone would like to clean it up to make it like a regular addon with deed that would be great(it does work, the coding just drives me nuts) Please post if for others to download :]
Holiday deeds to place ribbon or bells on your lovely house walls.
Can be placed north or west and can be dyed. Click to get gump to redeed.
Hopefully more goodies to come!
Happy Holidayz!