
  1. Wilson

    Legendary Master of Skills

    Legendary Master of Skills The Legendary Master of Skills is an NPC designed to offer players the chance to earn a powerscroll by completing a series of tasks. This feature is particularly beneficial for solo players who seek an alternative to champ spawns for obtaining powerscrolls...
  2. Bonaccorso

    NPC hireable for free for unlimited time?

    I'm trying to figure out how to create an NPC that will be hireable without paying to him, and without limitation of hire term, but I'm not sure how to trigger the hire process if gold is not transferred to NPC as payment. Maybe somebody already managed to come up with similar thing?
  3. Fighting NPCs 1.0

    ***Massapequa's fighting NPCs*** This is a small script that is meant to add a little bit of liveliness to your cities by creating town NPCs that fight with each other. The script comes with: BaseScrapper - This is the Base NPC that the other NPCs expand from. They find other Base Scrappers in...
  4. Wilson

    UO OpenAI Project

    Legacy Project - Educational Use Only! ~ LINK New Project : Completed ~ The incorporation of artificial intelligence (AI) into game development has opened up a whole new world of possibilities. By using advanced machine learning algorithms, game developers can create more immersive and dynamic...
  5. Wilson

    [NPC] Fast Fingers - Mini Game

    Simple NPC that will play Rock, Paper, Scissor with players!
  6. D4rkh0bb1T

    NPC Heal Self - How To?

    I want to create a NPC with player abilities. I think if my NPC is set to AI.Mage they will cast Heal sometime but not sure? ***But I cant get my NPC to heal himself with Bandages, just like a player would do, even with bandages in backpack.*** (Added into spawn entry : SKILL,healing/120/) I...
  7. Barclay

    Robert the walking Fortune cookie 2

    I have an old TXT file from a UNIX server in the late 80s. It was designed to supply a random fortune cookie every time it was run, during login for example. I've made some modifications and we now have Robert the walking fortune cookie. Dressed in his robes and with the title "The Seer" Robert...
  8. RedBeard

    Randomly moving NPC 2017-01-22

    Thanks @Po0ka for help with this. This is an NPC script that moves the mobile to different pre set locations based on a timer. In this example I made a Thief Guildmaster, other ideas I had for this were moving caravans or camps. Best to put this on a XMLSpawner so you can track movement.

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