There may be a better way of doing this. But this option has been working for me.
In case you're wondering, Mobile Factions is what causes the Queen's Loyalty display to show up when you hover over another player, or with just about every mob you kill, you get around 5 lines of information showing up in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen.
Personally, I don't like it. I don't want to go through and do a full removal of the system...I'm lazy.
Maybe this is close to a full removal, I don't know, but it's a 4 step process.
*Note: I choose to block or comment out sections of distro scripts rather than delete.
So, block this line out
ServUO-master\Scripts\Misc\CharacterCreation.cs (1 hit)
Line 746: XmlAttach.AttachTo(newChar, new XmlMobFactions());
and next this one
ServUO-master\Scripts\Mobiles\BaseCreature.cs (1 hit)
Line 1194: chance += (int)XmlMobFactions.GetScaledFaction(m, this, -250, 250, 0.001);
Next, go to ServUO-master\Scripts\Mobiles\PlayerMobile.cs and find the GetProperties method and block out this part
and if you want to remove the Kills / Deaths / Rank, find AddNameProperties and block out that section entirely.
In case you're wondering, Mobile Factions is what causes the Queen's Loyalty display to show up when you hover over another player, or with just about every mob you kill, you get around 5 lines of information showing up in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen.
Personally, I don't like it. I don't want to go through and do a full removal of the system...I'm lazy.
Maybe this is close to a full removal, I don't know, but it's a 4 step process.
*Note: I choose to block or comment out sections of distro scripts rather than delete.
So, block this line out
ServUO-master\Scripts\Misc\CharacterCreation.cs (1 hit)
Line 746: XmlAttach.AttachTo(newChar, new XmlMobFactions());
and next this one
ServUO-master\Scripts\Mobiles\BaseCreature.cs (1 hit)
Line 1194: chance += (int)XmlMobFactions.GetScaledFaction(m, this, -250, 250, 0.001);
Next, go to ServUO-master\Scripts\Mobiles\PlayerMobile.cs and find the GetProperties method and block out this part
if (IsPlayer())
#region QueensLoyaltySystem
if (m_Exp >= m_LevelExp)
while (m_Exp >= m_LevelExp)
m_Exp -= m_LevelExp;
m_Level += 1;
m_LevelExp = (long)(1000 * (Math.Pow(1.4, m_Level)));
if (m_Exp < 0)
while (m_Exp < 0)
if (m_Level == 0)
m_Exp = 0;
m_LevelExp = (long)(1000 * (Math.Pow(1.4, m_Level - 1)));
m_Exp += (m_LevelExp);
m_Level -= 1;
m_LevelExp = (long)(1000 * (Math.Pow(1.4, m_Level)));
if (m_Level == 0)
m_ExpTitle = "TerMur-guest";
else if (m_Level >= 1 && m_Level <= 5)
m_ExpTitle = "Friend of TerMur";
else if (m_Level >= 6 && m_Level <= 10)
m_ExpTitle = "Friend of TerMur";
else if (m_Level >= 11 && m_Level <= 15)
m_ExpTitle = "Friend of TerMur";
else if (m_Level >= 16 && m_Level <= 20)
m_ExpTitle = "Friend of TerMur";
else if (m_Level >= 21 && m_Level <= 25)
m_ExpTitle = "Friend of TerMur";
else if (m_Level >= 26 && m_Level <= 30)
m_ExpTitle = "A Citizen of TerMur";
else if (m_Level >= 31 && m_Level <= 35)
m_ExpTitle = "A Citizen of TerMur";
else if (m_Level >= 36 && m_Level <= 40)
m_ExpTitle = "A Citizen of TerMur";
else if (m_Level >= 41 && m_Level <= 45)
m_ExpTitle = "A Citizen of TerMur";
else if (m_Level >= 46 && m_Level <= 50)
m_ExpTitle = "A Citizen of TerMur";
else if (m_Level >= 51 && m_Level <= 60)
m_ExpTitle = "A Citizen of TerMur";
else if (m_Level >= 61 && m_Level <= 70)
m_ExpTitle = "A Noble of Termur";
else if (m_Level >= 71 && m_Level <= 80)
m_ExpTitle = "A Noble of Termur";
else if (m_Level >= 80 && m_Level <= 100)
m_ExpTitle = "A Noble of Termur";
else if (m_Level >= 101)
m_ExpTitle = "A Noble of Termur";
// Xml spawner 3.26c QueensLoyaltyTitle
XmlData QueenTitle = (XmlData)XmlAttach.FindAttachment(this, typeof(XmlData), "QueenTitle");
if (QueenTitle != null && QueenTitle.Data == "True")
"Queens Loyalty Level: ",
String.Format("<BASEFONT COLOR={0}>{1}", "#FF0000", m_Level),
" ",
String.Format("<BASEFONT COLOR={0}>{1}", "#000FFF", (int)(100 * m_Exp / m_LevelExp)),
" % ",
String.Format("<BASEFONT COLOR={0}>{1}", "#0FFF00", m_ExpTitle)));
// Xml Spawner 3.26c QueensLoyaltyTitle
and if you want to remove the Kills / Deaths / Rank, find AddNameProperties and block out that section entirely.