This is an addon that allows you to give your guild their very own moongates with whatever locations they want. You can add multiple categories with multiple entites per category for each guild. They can only ever see their guild (same with admins). Setting GuildID = 0 will allow for anyone to see that category.
If you want the Entity to have a Moongate automatically places upon [MoonGenGuild then you need to mark the AddGateToLocation as True.
[MoonGenGuild - Generates public guild moongates. Removes all old moongates.
[MoonGenGuildDelete - Removes all Guild moongates.
Game Masters:
Creates Category and First Entry
[AddGuildtoMoongate [guildid] Category] [Entity] [x] [y] [z] [map] [AddGatetoLocation] - Adds Guild to Category and the 1st Entity to the List.
Deletes Category
[DeleteGuildCategory [guildid] [Category] - Deletes Guild Category.
Creates Entity under that Guild's Category
[AddGuildEntity [guildid] [category] [Entity] [x] [y] [z] [map] [AddGatetoLocation]- Adds another Entity to Guild's Category.
Deletes an Entity under that Guild's Category
[DeleteGuildEntity [guildid] [category] [Entity] - Adds another Entity to Guild's Category.
[GuildMoongateGumpExport - Exports Guild Moongate Gump. This list is where all guild gates are stored upon restart.
[GuildMoongateGumpImport - Imports Guild Moongate Gump. Use this if the CSV file has changed and want to update BEFORE a restart.
This is an addon that allows you to give your guild their very own moongates with whatever locations they want. You can add multiple categories with multiple entites per category for each guild. They can only ever see their guild (same with admins). Setting GuildID = 0 will allow for anyone to see that category.
If you want the Entity to have a Moongate automatically places upon [MoonGenGuild then you need to mark the AddGateToLocation as True.
[MoonGenGuild - Generates public guild moongates. Removes all old moongates.
[MoonGenGuildDelete - Removes all Guild moongates.
Game Masters:
Creates Category and First Entry
[AddGuildtoMoongate [guildid] Category] [Entity] [x] [y] [z] [map] [AddGatetoLocation] - Adds Guild to Category and the 1st Entity to the List.
Deletes Category
[DeleteGuildCategory [guildid] [Category] - Deletes Guild Category.
Creates Entity under that Guild's Category
[AddGuildEntity [guildid] [category] [Entity] [x] [y] [z] [map] [AddGatetoLocation]- Adds another Entity to Guild's Category.
Deletes an Entity under that Guild's Category
[DeleteGuildEntity [guildid] [category] [Entity] - Adds another Entity to Guild's Category.
[GuildMoongateGumpExport - Exports Guild Moongate Gump. This list is where all guild gates are stored upon restart.
[GuildMoongateGumpImport - Imports Guild Moongate Gump. Use this if the CSV file has changed and want to update BEFORE a restart.