A small Christmas Package with art made for UO.
Some of these are not very good, I know, some doesnt fit UO 100%, I am aware.
Some are just fun to use or add.
Per usual, use these freely and edit them/label as you wish.
Afew of these assets in the package I have made myself, some I have remade to fit the UO and remade them.
Some animations will look better with loop in the AnimData. But you'll figure it out.
What does it contain?
-Christmas Trees, two versions, animated (Thanks Vorspire)
-Christmas Tree toppers, partial hue (Star, Spire, Angel)
-Wall Decorational Horseshoe's, Gold and Iron
-Swedish styled Advent Candles
-Christmas Wreath(?) With Partial Hue Ribbons.
-Eggnog, 2 versions in cauldrons (animated aswell)
-Glasses with eggnog (Small/tall)
-Monster Plushies, Nightmare, Dragon and Phoenix
-Wall Elk Trophy
-Antler Candelabra (animated with light)
-Christmas cloth
-Christmas Clothed Tables
-Crystal Collectable Figurines different versions
-Dancing Angel Music Boxes
-Garden Gnomes/Elfs?
-Two potted Christmas Styled plants
-Hanging Misteltoe
-3 versions of animated candles
Small Table Candleabra
Two taller standing ones
If you have any questions reach out to me in discord @MrRiots