Hi there,
I am trying to compile ServUO 57.3 on Linux but no success. My system:
ServUO pub 58 compile whitout issues, but it's a work in progress and is just a branch right now.
EDIT: this tutorial is not working too.
I am trying to compile ServUO 57.3 on Linux but no success. My system:
- Linux Mint 21.2
- Mono
- Dotnet 7.0.110
- ServUO 57.3
ServUO pub 58 compile whitout issues, but it's a work in progress and is just a branch right now.
fail to compile:
$ make -j12
mcs -target:library -out:`pwd`/Ultima.dll -r:System.Drawing.dll -nowarn:0618,0219,0414,1635 -d:MONO -d:ServUO -d:NEWTIMERS -nologo -optimize -unsafe -recurse:`pwd`/Ultima/*.cs
rm -f ServUO.sh
rm -f ServUO.exe
rm -f ServUO.exe.mdb
rm -f Ultima.dll
rm -f Ultima.dll.mdb
rm -f *.bin
mcs -win32icon:`pwd`/Server/servuo.ico -r:`pwd`/Ultima.dll,System.Drawing.dll -nowarn:0618,0219,0414,1635 -target:exe -out:`pwd`/ServUO.exe -d:MONO -d:ServUO -d:NEWTIMERS -nologo -optimize -unsafe -recurse:`pwd`/Server/*.cs
echo "#!/bin/sh" > `pwd`/ServUO.sh
echo "mono `pwd`/ServUO.exe" >> `pwd`/ServUO.sh
chmod a+x `pwd`/ServUO.sh
sed -i.bak -e 's/<!--//g; s/-->//g' ServUO.exe.config
ServUO - [https://www.servuo.com] Version 0.5, Build 8623.23592 - Build on 11/08/2023 13:06:24 UTC - Release
Core: Running with arguments: -noconsole
Core: Optimizing for 12 64-bit processors
Core: Unix environment detected
Core: Compiled for MONO and running on (Debian Wed Jun 30 05:34:49 UTC 2021)
RandomImpl: SimpleRandom (Software)
Core: Loading config...
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...Error:
System.Exception: Compiler failed to produce the assembly. Output: ''
at Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeGenerator.FromFileBatch (System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters options, System.String[] fileNames) [0x0035e] in <a85c1a570f9a4f9f9c3d2cfa5504e34f>:0
at Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeGenerator.System.CodeDom.Compiler.ICodeCompiler.CompileAssemblyFromFileBatch (System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters options, System.String[] fileNames) [0x00047] in <a85c1a570f9a4f9f9c3d2cfa5504e34f>:0
at System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider.CompileAssemblyFromFile (System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters options, System.String[] fileNames) [0x00006] in <a85c1a570f9a4f9f9c3d2cfa5504e34f>:0
at Server.ScriptCompiler.CompileCSScripts (System.Boolean debug, System.Boolean cache, System.Reflection.Assembly& assembly) [0x001d9] in <70c9aea6376a483a8d29a26fde83c95f>:0
at Server.ScriptCompiler.Compile (System.Boolean debug, System.Boolean cache) [0x00034] in <70c9aea6376a483a8d29a26fde83c95f>:0
at Server.Core.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00624] in <70c9aea6376a483a8d29a26fde83c95f>:0
This exception is fatal, press return to exit
make: *** [Makefile:19: run] Erro 137
EDIT: this tutorial is not working too.
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