Ok mate,lets go!
1º-Download latest ServUo repo: https://github.com/ServUO/ServUO/archive/57.zip
2º-Download Ultima online client from uo.com and let the client update untill finished:
*Classic client: http://web.cdn.eamythic.com/us/uo/installers/20120309/UOClassicSetup_7_0_24_0.exe
*Enhanced client: http://web.cdn.eamythic.com/us/uo/installers/20101118/UOEnhancedSetup_4_0_10_1.exe
3º-Unzip your ServUo publish 57 where you want.I use it on my desktop.
4º-Go to folder Scripts/Misc/Datapath.CS and open it with your editor.
*if you dont have editor,i use sublime text 3: https://download.sublimetext.com/Sublime Text Build 3211 x64 Setup.exe
5º-Inside DataPath.CS,around line number 21 you find this:
private static readonly string CustomPath = Config.Get(@"DataPath.CustomPath", default(string));
-Change this line with the path to your Ultima Online installation,i show you mine:
private static string CustomPath = @"C:\Users\Kiko\Desktop\Client SERVER";
-For more clean and secure,you can just comment the first line with "//",and add the new one with your path like this:

//private static readonly string CustomPath = Config.Get(@"DataPath.CustomPath", default(string));
        private static string CustomPath = @"C:\Users\Kiko\Desktop\Client SERVER";
6º-Now save changes in DataPath.CS and close the editor.
7º-Go to ServUo publish 57 folder,and run the file named "Compile.WIN - Release".(I asume you using windows).
8º-Follow the instructions you can see in console until world is loaded and port is listening.The emulator will ask you to create your Administrator account.
9º-Open your favorite game assistant and choose the client and client folder you updated before.Set ip and port 2593 and enter the world.
10º-Use command [CreateWorld and create it.now just wait,depending on machine.
11º-Enjoy your new world.
Here is a great tutorial to get started in ServUo:
Read this,is better than i say,but i hope it help you man! Welcome!
Hello oracle

I tried to download the server code file 57.zip through the first step, but there was an error when releasing the compressed file. I wonder if you have known this situation. Is there any way to get a good 57.zip server code file?

Which one have you used?
  • The code file download problem has been solved.
  • Now I found another problem. After I created the world using the owner account, I found that there was a problem in the first continent. All the building walls, stairs, trees and other materials in the first continent could not be seen.I don't know what the reason is, but could it be the version of the client pointed to in the "datepath" file?
Try the config folder

  1. Starting with the /Config directory, find and edit Server.cfg to set up the essentials.
  2. Go through the remaining *.cfg files to ensure they suit your needs.
An error was encountered while loading a saved object
- Type: Server.Multis.LizardmenCamp
- Serial: 0x4001792F
Delete the object? (y/n)

What is the problem with this error when starting the service? May I ask for some advice?
  • Booting on my local machine works fine
An error was encountered while loading a saved object
- Type: Server.Multis.LizardmenCamp
- Serial: 0x4001792F
Delete the object? (y/n)

What is the problem with this error when starting the service? May I ask for some advice?
  • Booting on my local machine works fine
Make sure you've added correct path to the client in the Config/DataPath.cfg file. Example:
# Uncomment this line and set it to the path of the client files to set a
# custom data path. Otherwise ServUO will look for the client in the default
# Windows installation directories. Note that this is *required* when running
# on non-Windows systems.
CustomPath=D:\Games\Electronic Arts\Ultima Online Classic
Make sure you've added correct path to the client in the Config/DataPath.cfg file. Example:
# Uncomment this line and set it to the path of the client files to set a
# custom data path. Otherwise ServUO will look for the client in the default
# Windows installation directories. Note that this is *required* when running
# on non-Windows systems.
CustomPath=D:\Games\Electronic Arts\Ultima Online Classic
Thank you for your answer,the problem has been solved.I'm just starting to learn about server code and scripting. Is there any teaching material that can help me get started.
I managed to compile ServUO and get it working with mono on my Mac in less than 10 minutes, and even before reading this. It was incredibly simple. Unfortunately, I've never been able to get past the shard selection screen. I changed "My Shard" to something else so I know it's reading the config. I can log in with my admin account or type something new to create a new one. I can see the login and disconnection messages in the console. Despite all of this, the classic client gets stuck on the shard screen where it displays the name I picked for my shard. I notice the mouse becomes very choppy and my laptop's fan kicks on when I get to this screen so it's really taxing the CPU yet it's doing nothing. I haven't been able to find an answer to this. The only thing I know that I was doing wrong was pointing the server to the same instance of the client files as the client I was running. Duping that directory so the server could have its own copy didn't help though. Please help :)
Besides my setup issues, I have a very newbie question as well. If I get this working and I don't modify it at all, will this server be identical to the EA shards like Atlantic? My goal is to set up a private shard that's the same as EA's and mess around with it, find the best way to defeat bosses, do stuff I can't do on my Atlantic account... I'm so looking forward to getting this working.
I know I am hijacking someones thread but I was unsure where to start a new "Help me" type post. I had a UO server a long time ago but I think it was using run UO. So I'm trying to get this ServUO going because honestly... I can't stand walking around the world and looking at some of the painful eye sores that people call a "home". I'd rather explore and do things on my own. I'd try Oddysee or but it looks like they added a bunch of their own work into the game and I just want a clean running none altered Ultima Online. Besides I am not sure Oddysee will alow you to auto beef up your character or if your forced to level them up from the start.

Ok here is my problem:

I've done all the steps from the above but when I do the Compile WIN it will run through a bunch of steps and make it sound like all is good to go but it gets stuck on asking me where my Ultima Online Client is installed. So when I type that in it just loops and keeps asking me for the same thing rather then moving onto anything else. I have not even gotten to the option of setting up the client yet and I'm honestly a bit worried about that. I don't seem to have the patience I once did so I get easily frustrated when it won't just work smoothly.

Can anyone give me some support?
if it looks it should also produce an error.log. And I assume in that log it will say that it can not find the zlib library. And if that is the case you would need to install the c++ runtime

There are some posts about that on this forum
Sorry to bring up yet another post to this thread but I found that using the instructions in the Ruins and Riches Serv UO Setup I was then able to understand how to set up my own basic UO Shared. When you unzip Ruins and Riches the client will have a PDF with instructions on how to set that particular set up of UO, which is pretty good. Those are pretty much the same instructions to set up your own server. I thought it might be of use to some folks. This is the Reddit post I found when setting it up.

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I just downloaded the latest release. I can't find this Compile file referenced above.
I also don't see an executable file to run
Tried running Winrelease and received the following errors:

Compile ServUO for Windows

Press any key to continue . . .

C:\Windows\System32>dotnet build -c Release
The command could not be loaded, possibly because:
* You intended to execute a .NET application:
The application 'build' does not exist.
* You intended to execute a .NET SDK command:
No .NET SDKs were found.

Download a .NET SDK:

Learn about SDK resolution:


Press any key to continue . . .
Last edited:
You dont need the compiling as the server should be compiles as an exe.

You would only need to do that if you merge the runuo version used for the server side, and you would want to change the deeper server side code.

Scripts themself are in data if you need to edit anything
I use ServUO, but there is a different loader for the EC. UOSALoader.
I have no idea what Ultima-adventures is, though... (I know what it was back in the early 90s)
Ultima adventures is basically a new game that uses the UO engine. Pretty popular as it has new maps and lots of customization. We chose it for our base for our shard and then started modifying the heck out of it. It uses runuo 2.7 and #4.0

Have you found a good working enhanced client? I use TazUO client today which is pretty slick.
Any help would be appreciated!
Servuo 57 should run pretty easily on any modern machine. You may need the Dot net runtime, but it should prompt you if thats the case.
Then just modify the config to your name etc and logon in.

Active Shards


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