
Its been a while I´ve been active in the scene. The last years i were busy with a lot of projects and i guess Covid did also its part.
But I always liked to look back and remember my good old time in uo and within the scene of uo emulation.

Lately I decided to take a look again into ServUO as project and I´m unsure about the state of Project. If we check github it seems that pub 57.3 is the latest official release (aside from master) but there are mostly .NET framework updates compared to pub 57 which seens to be pretty old. On the other side the master got dozen of changes. Its understandable, that this is a hobby project but whats the current state of ServUO? More or less dead ? Still in Progress?

Thanks for your time :)
I'm not sure what you'd consider dead or alive when it comes to a private server community on a game from 97'. However I came back to the community after being gone for quite a few years and things seem to be steady to say the least. People are active. Only complaint I have is we've lost a few of our big hitters from the ole days.
Its been a while I´ve been active in the scene. The last years i were busy with a lot of projects and i guess Covid did also its part.
But I always liked to look back and remember my good old time in uo and within the scene of uo emulation.

Lately I decided to take a look again into ServUO as project and I´m unsure about the state of Project. If we check github it seems that pub 57.3 is the latest official release (aside from master) but there are mostly .NET framework updates compared to pub 57 which seens to be pretty old. On the other side the master got dozen of changes. Its understandable, that this is a hobby project but whats the current state of ServUO? More or less dead ? Still in Progress?

Thanks for your time :)
Welcome back Crome!

Current state of ServUO is strong, with an active community of passionate developers. But I'd say its not just ServUO, its the entire community which includes several emu projects.
Another one you might find interesting to look at is ModernUO
And it is still in progress with afew more releases planned and as for now the current state right now, keep getting updates.

The latest release is ServUO Pub58
I'm not sure what you'd consider dead or alive when it comes to a private server community on a game from 97'. However I came back to the community after being gone for quite a few years and things seem to be steady to say the least. People are active. Only complaint I have is we've lost a few of our big hitters from the ole days.
Well i just asked it as question, if the community is still active and very optimistic or slowly dying. I remember old times, when a lot of people contributed to the project and i only want to know if its still the same or people stop.
Welcome back Crome!

Current state of ServUO is strong, with an active community of passionate developers. But I'd say its not just ServUO, its the entire community which includes several emu projects.
Another one you might find interesting to look at is ModernUO
And it is still in progress with afew more releases planned and as for now the current state right now, keep getting updates.

The latest release is ServUO Pub58
I took a quick look onto ModernUO. Looks a little bit insane. I will follow this project further and take a deeper look later on. At first glance it tries to solve a few very old topics of architecture by replacing it with attributes and clicking "Cleanup Code" on Rider :eek: But i will take a closer look into it. Thanks for sharing
Well i just asked it as question, if the community is still active and very optimistic or slowly dying. I remember old times, when a lot of people contributed to the project and i only want to know if its still the same or people stop.

I took a quick look onto ModernUO. Looks a little bit insane. I will follow this project further and take a deeper look later on. At first glance it tries to solve a few very old topics of architecture by replacing it with attributes and clicking "Cleanup Code" on Rider :eek: But i will take a closer look into it. Thanks for sharing
You're very welcome and just reach out to the community if you need assistance or have any questions!
One thing that is different today than the good old days, we have a new heavy hitter developer ChatGPT. It seems to have an uncanny knowledge of ServUO architecture, even to the point of knowing hue colors and item names off the top of its head. My previous programming experiance was in RPG Maker and now with the help of ChatGPT I can write C# scripts for new plugins very easily. I've even been able to fix bugs in other peoples plugins (keep in mind I have very little clue how C# works). Its a new era!
It seems to have an uncanny knowledge of ServUO architecture, even to the point of knowing hue colors and item names off the top of its head.
Early on it told me ServUO was included in its training material along with hundreds of other active Github projects. But now it tells me it cannot divulge the sources that were used to train it. Of course it could have been lying the first time, but I doubt it. Makes sense.
Well i just asked it as question, if the community is still active and very optimistic or slowly dying. I remember old times, when a lot of people contributed to the project and i only want to know if its still the same or people stop.

I took a quick look onto ModernUO. Looks a little bit insane. I will follow this project further and take a deeper look later on. At first glance it tries to solve a few very old topics of architecture by replacing it with attributes and clicking "Cleanup Code" on Rider :eek: But i will take a closer look into it. Thanks for sharing
Thanks for looking into ModernUO.
It's definitely more than that. I have optimized quite a bit, here is a non-exhaustive list:
  • Runs on .net 8, natively on Linux, Windows, or Mac - using x64/arm64 architecture.
  • World Saves are about 30x faster (true multithreaded parallel), if not more. The more CPUs/faster RAM - the shorter world saves are.
  • Timers are 50-100x faster, has nearly zero overhead, and no longer uses an additional thread.
  • Networking is 10x faster, packets don't allocate memory, and don't require additional threads.
  • Random number generator is 5x faster by using Xoroshiro256++.
  • Gumps are compiled with near zero memory allocations.
  • IPv6 support.
  • Serialization code can be source generated.
  • Searching/Iterating through sectors doesn't allocate memory and runs at least 8x faster.
  • Searching through containers doesn't allocate memory and runs at least 5x faster.
  • Support for non-item/mobile serializable entities that are serialized in parallel with everything else.
  • Updated several features for pre-AOS that were not accurate to OSI, including spells, weapon damages, starting equipment, added mount stamina, etc.
  • Added configurable packet throttling and new speed hack prevention system.
  • Better backup rotations and archiving using ZSTD.
  • Proper encryption for passwords using Argon2
  • Pooled and stack-based queue/list data structures to iterate without memory allocations.
  • Etc..
Last edited:
Thanks for looking into ModernUO.
It's definitely more than that. I have optimized quite a bit, here is a non-exhaustive list:
  • Runs on .net 8, natively on Linux, Windows, or Mac - using x64/arm64 architecture.
  • World Saves are about 30x faster (true multithreaded parallel), if not more. The more CPUs/faster RAM - the shorter world saves are.
  • Timers are 50-100x faster, has nearly zero overhead, and no longer uses an additional thread.
  • Networking is 10x faster, packets don't allocate memory, and don't require additional threads.
  • Random number generator is 5x faster by using Xoroshiro256++.
  • Gumps are compiled with near zero memory allocations.
  • IPv6 support.
  • Serialization code can be source generated.
  • Searching/Iterating through sectors doesn't allocate memory and runs at least 8x faster.
  • Searching through containers doesn't allocate memory and runs at least 5x faster.
  • Support for non-item/mobile serializable entities that are serialized in parallel with everything else.
  • Updated several features for pre-AOS that were not accurate to OSI, including spells, weapon damages, starting equipment, added mount stamina, etc.
  • Added configurable packet throttling and new speed hack prevention system.
  • Better backup rotations and archiving using ZSTD.
  • Proper encryption for passwords using Argon2
  • Pooled and stack-based queue/list data structures to iterate without memory allocations.
  • Etc..
Where does ModernUO stand as far as it up to date as far as features and expansions?
1. Make sure you have .net 8 SDK installed.
2. Make sure you have git installed.
3. Clone the repository (you can download the repository master too but long term, managing code is better with git)
4. Run publish.cmd (builds everything)
5. Run Modern.exe from the Distribution folder.

If you need further help, you can ask on the MUO or SUO discord.
Thanks for that. Is it significantly different to ServUO P57? I'm running it just for myself. I just need a solution that works.
It will feel very similar, but doesn't have as much content. The content is the same as RunUO, so mostly ML or earlier.

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