


The way it should have been. The alternative path it would have been if not once OSI changed into a greedy machine. Become a part of UO history. Join today! A Roundtable Arts & EnigmaUO collaboration.

Greetings fellow adventurers of the Britannian realm! I am excited to introduce UO-Phoenix community, where the world of Ultima Online comes alive like never before, it has been reborn from the flames to its former glory! The journey in the mystical world of Ultima Online began many moons ago, adventures and excitement have been a timeless classic ever since.

UO-Phoenix is the new home, and virtual playground for countless adventures. Allow me to show you a glimpse into the unique world within this remarkable shard. As a steadfast denizen of UO-Phoenix, I have immersed myself in the rich tapestry of Britannia’s lore, exploring its intricate landscapes, forging lasting friendships, and facing the formidable challenges that this unique game offers. Whether you are delving into the treacherous depths of dungeon crawls, participating in epic player-run events, or honing skills in player versus player combat, UO-Phoenix will continually capture the heart of Britannia veterans.

What sets UO-Phoenix apart is its vibrant and welcoming community. Within its virtual borders, you will meet players from all walks of life, each with their own story to tell. Together, we form a tight-knit family, bound by our shared passion for this enduring world. The sense of camaraderie and collaboration here is truly exceptional, making every moment spent in Britannia an unforgettable one. No matter if your looking for the old excitement of Origin Systems era, or a pioneering era you will find your experience on UO-Phoenix. We have combined the best areas from all eras of Ultima Online and brought them to you in one place!

Beyond the server itself, We’ve had the privilege of contributing to the UO community in various ways over the years on many servers, from organizing player-driven servers that bring us all together to being a player sharing knowledge and experiences with newcomers, helping them navigate the intricacies of this captivating universe. This lead to the birth of this new era of Ultima Online, combining the golden era of Ultima Online from 1998-2003 and the new challenges and quality of life upgrades from recent years as one cohesive land of enjoyment!

So, whether you are a seasoned adventurer or a fresh face in Britannia, I extend a warm welcome to you to join us on UO-Phoenix. Together, we can explore the boundless possibilities, relive the nostalgia, and forge new legends in this remarkable shard. May your journey here be filled with wonder, excitement, and the joy of discovery.

See you in Britannia, my friends, where the legacy of Ultima Online lives on in UO-Phoenix


Join our discord now!

Who will you become? Where will you go?
We can't wait to see you all In Britannia and share this truly unique and wonderful UO experience with you, don't waste time and come reserve your spot in history and get started now! We still have many one time only items still to release our first year that will not be seen again get yours today, and many housing spots still available to secure you won't want to miss out on!
Alright, I read this post and looked at your website. I can't seem to find any meaningful information about what your server is actually about. I don't see elements that make your server different from others, or special. Is there a menu option on the site that tells me the features? Mostly what I am reading is really vague with zero substance to it. To paraphrase in the same writing style as your post above, and website news:

We are seeking those that wish to go on an adventure of great legends where experiences are vast and the stories are grand. Meet people from around the world as you experience an experience so experienced that it will make you feel like you are in a community unlike any other. Form groups of players that meet in teams to gather together and experience the likes of something you never experienced. The possibilities are endless and full of possibility. Join us!

Please provide some details that would perhaps lure me away from Outlands or Second Age.
Alright, I read this post and looked at your website. I can't seem to find any meaningful information about what your server is actually about. I don't see elements that make your server different from others, or special. Is there a menu option on the site that tells me the features? Mostly what I am reading is really vague with zero substance to it. To paraphrase in the same writing style as your post above, and website news:

We are seeking those that wish to go on an adventure of great legends where experiences are vast and the stories are grand. Meet people from around the world as you experience an experience so experienced that it will make you feel like you are in a community unlike any other. Form groups of players that meet in teams to gather together and experience the likes of something you never experienced. The possibilities are endless and full of possibility. Join us!

Please provide some details that would perhaps lure me away from Outlands or Second Age.
Noted and we are working on a more detailed write up of all the differences, but we have made great number of improvements so listing each and every one would become more of list and be a more tedious read than anything which is why we gave more of a summary. In general though with regard to the two servers you mentioned which are both amazing in their own regard and category, we are not like either and never intend to be. While Outlands are pioneers and have essentially built an entire new game leaving little to no essence of the second age or old UO feel and Second built an exact replica of that era with very little new content or quality of life upgrades offering no new challenge or excitement, without changing the essence of the game we hope to bridge that gap. For lack of a better term and not to name drop but build a "hybrid" of the them. We offer the pre AOS era of risk and reward in which you can still find excitement and thrill and a rush every time you log in while offering some new features that or were or should have been added in. Such as some of the new systems or creatures from OSI that have been redesigned to not change the feel of the era or change the game play, such as BOD's, champion spawns, creatures like Cu Sidhes and Greater Dragons, boss encounters like Dark Father and Chief Paroxysmus, multiple types of wood, fully functioning factions and many many more. But we have also designed some custom things such a rare card trading/collecting system, an achievement system with rewards, fully automated referral and donation system (all donation items are available through in game methods as well donating is only to speed up the process and there is no pay to win items in donation), automated and staff run events, an entirely new custom basic champion (similar to lord oaks) and boss champion (similar to harrower) and also a few other custom creatures/areas we encourage our players to come and explore and find. On top of this our staff and dev team work daily to advance the this server and are already working and are close to our first expansion, I won't write book about it here but your welcome to join our discord/forums/wiki to find our already posted information and upcoming information about if your still interested. In summary It is the old school UO we all know and love with new content and features and much needed quality of life upgrades but without losing the feel of being UO. It is truly something your going to have to explore and experience to find all the details and excitement of... unfortunately my 5 minute write up could not due justice to the thousands of hours of work our team has put into it make it what it is but we hope to see you there!
Well, perhaps I am not meant to understand because your response post doesn't tell me anything of substance either. If I had to summarize it, it sounds like you are a shard that has things in it that almost all other shards have. You mention that it is the old school UO but with changes that would seem like it isn't really old school UO. Perhaps this shard is hosted in a non english speaking country so articulating things to english speakers may be the issue I am having in trying to decipher things here. I would suggest you take a page from the Outlands playbook here, and have a good website that shows off your features with screenshots. Talk about what "old school" things you are trying to keep and what "quality of life improvements" you made to those systems. Because, again, almost everything you listed is stock UO-server-ish things everyone comes to expect. If you really put alot of time in making this server, show it off on your website. Merely having a slogan of "you just have to try it to believe it" isn't the most enticing invite. Show your collectible card system, or your achievement system. You may think vague paragraphs is a good selling pitch, but folks here already play the game somewhere or another. They need some eye candy and "lists" of features with descriptions of what they are. You have "champion spawns". So? Almost every other shard does as well. Are yours different in some way? What kind of events do you plan to run? How do they work? What are the rewards for success? You went through the effort to get web hosting, setup a Discord, and make a website. Now it is time to sell your idea to others if you want anyone to come on board.
Well, perhaps I am not meant to understand because your response post doesn't tell me anything of substance either. If I had to summarize it, it sounds like you are a shard that has things in it that almost all other shards have. You mention that it is the old school UO but with changes that would seem like it isn't really old school UO. Perhaps this shard is hosted in a non english speaking country so articulating things to english speakers may be the issue I am having in trying to decipher things here. I would suggest you take a page from the Outlands playbook here, and have a good website that shows off your features with screenshots. Talk about what "old school" things you are trying to keep and what "quality of life improvements" you made to those systems. Because, again, almost everything you listed is stock UO-server-ish things everyone comes to expect. If you really put alot of time in making this server, show it off on your website. Merely having a slogan of "you just have to try it to believe it" isn't the most enticing invite. Show your collectible card system, or your achievement system. You may think vague paragraphs is a good selling pitch, but folks here already play the game somewhere or another. They need some eye candy and "lists" of features with descriptions of what they are. You have "champion spawns". So? Almost every other shard does as well. Are yours different in some way? What kind of events do you plan to run? How do they work? What are the rewards for success? You went through the effort to get web hosting, setup a Discord, and make a website. Now it is time to sell your idea to others if you want anyone to come on board.
We are an English server and Hosted in the Central US, and by "old school" I'm referring to pre Tram pre AOS era (second age/T2A/renaissance) mechanics but with many features that are customized to fit this, to feel natural ( such as champions and other AOS creatures, mechanics, systems ) without losing that "old school" feel. Again these changes do not alter the feel, we have reworked them to fit the era rather than changed the era to fit the changes, as OSI and most other servers have done, that is what makes it unique and you have to experience to understand entirely, words and pictures can't fully encompass this. As stated more information and content is being added to not only our website but also our wiki to show this so stay tuned.
Good luck with your shard.
Thank you, and thank you for for the previous tips on advertising. This has been our recent area of focus we know people want to see more and we are currently making a big push to put more out there and will be releasing more in the next few days :)

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