Recent content by Badluck

  1. Badluck

    Sickness System - Testers Needed

    Can anyone help?? _E_I_G_E_N_E_/Test/SicknessSys/SicknessSys/Illnesses/Cold.cs: CS1043: Line 5: { oder ; erwartet. CS1043: Line 6: { oder ; erwartet. CS1043: Line 7: { oder ; erwartet. CS1043: Line 8: { oder ; erwartet. CS1043: Line 9: { oder ; erwartet. +...
  2. Badluck

    HousePlacementTool with uses

    it works. thank were my salvation..thank you very much :):)
  3. Badluck

    HousePlacementTool with uses

    dont work :( CS0127: Line 609: Da 'Server.Items.HousePlacementEntry.PlacementWarning_Callback(Server.Mobile, bool, object)' 'void' zurückgibt, darf auf ein Rückgabeschlüsselwort kein Objektausdruck folgen.
  4. Badluck

    HousePlacementTool with uses

    It is already clear to me that the people here only scripten for fun and many also have a real life (family, work)......but it could have been that there is someone who has a quick solution to my problem.....this is unfortunately not the case...can you do anything......I also hope that someone...
  5. Badluck

    HousePlacementTool with uses

    Thank you..for trying to help me......I thought that here in the forum are professionals for whom it is no problem to change the script.... I did not think that it is so difficult....but thanks to you
  6. Badluck

    HousePlacementTool with uses

    Can no one really help me with the HousePlacementTool.. :( is that because I have an old Servuo?
  7. Badluck

    HousePlacementTool with uses

    hmm i can not download the file... "Oops! We ran into some problems." 1622312110 + Multis/HousePlacementTool.cs: CS1061: Line 703: 'Server.Items.HousePlacementEntry' enthält keine Definition für 'Delete', und es konnte keine Erweiterungsmethode 'Delete' gefunden werden, die ein erstes...
  8. Badluck

    HousePlacementTool with uses it..but can't you change my version of the HousePlacementTool?..or asked another way..does anyone have a version with 1 uses?
  9. Badluck

    HousePlacementTool with uses

    + Multis/HousePlacementTool.cs: CS0117: Line 128: 'Server.Core' enthält keine Definition für 'EJ'. CS0117: Line 266: 'Server.Multis.BaseHouse' enthält keine Definition für 'GlobalBonusStorageScalar'. CS0117: Line 267: 'Server.Multis.BaseHouse' enthält keine Definition für...
  10. Badluck

    HousePlacementTool with uses

    i can't find the entry "public virtual void OnPlacement(BaseHouse house)" neither in BaseHouse nor in HousePlacementTool 1622304248
  11. Badluck

    HousePlacementTool with uses

    Hello Helper.. :) I would like to make 1 uses in the HousePlacementTool.. after that the HousePlacementTool should be deleted.... could someone help me with this?..I myself have little experience with scripts...I would be really happy.... sorry for the bad english.. :(