Recent content by Dan(Tasanar)

  1. Dan(Tasanar)

    Looking for some OSI Items that either arent scripted or arent here

    All of those except the confetti cannon and sleeping pets are in. Make sure you are looking at pub 58 and not pub 57 on the ServUO github.
  2. Dan(Tasanar)

    Is ServUO C+ or C++?

    ServUO is written in C# and runs on the .NET framework. C# and .NET are the two things to look up and study.
  3. Dan(Tasanar)

    Trying to read and understand Yes, if using a totally custom map I would empty this out and populate it as needed. This is what allows for "item less" teleporters. You can also add teleporters by hand, if say setting up a temporary event, by typing...
  4. Dan(Tasanar)

    IDOC Detector

    Looks great bud! Glad people are using and expanding on this script.
  5. Dan(Tasanar)

    Bulk Order Point Deed

    Dan(Tasanar) submitted a new resource: Bulk Order Point Deed - A deed that rewards banked bulk order points Read more about this resource...
  6. Dan(Tasanar)

    Bulk Order Point Deed 2023-04-18

    Deed that adds a predetermined number of points to a predetermined crafts bulk order banked point balance. Set scroll options in the code: private const int _Points = 100; // Set your points here. private const BODType _CraftSkill = BODType.Smith; // Set skill type here. Example: BODType.Smith...
  7. Dan(Tasanar)

    Animal Lore Gump Help

    Try changing from to m
  8. Dan(Tasanar)

    Crafting Skills ignored by the Skillcap

    Thanks, @PyrO - not perfect but by editing the packet I can make it so that by default it all shows but then when they click on Show Real it removes and hides trade skills. Not perfect but I can't see another way around the normal classic client adding up the values it finds. Cleaned the code...
  9. Dan(Tasanar)

    Crafting Skills ignored by the Skillcap

    It works fine if you follow those steps posted. There are a few differences in the code from when this was posted but it otherwise works. Now what I did notice - It still counts the skill point totals in the skill client skill gump. Is anyone aware of a way to get it to not display here or is...
  10. Dan(Tasanar)

    IDOC Detector

    You just need to convert the get; sets; over to the older format. I won't be supporting anything below .NET Framework Version 4.8
  11. Dan(Tasanar)

    IDOC Detector

    You mean the automatic properties? C# Properties (Get and Set) I do not believe those are older but actually newer. What version of .net are you on? This: public string Name // property { get { return name; } // get method set { name = value; } // set method } = public...
  12. Dan(Tasanar)

    IDOC Detector

    Dan(Tasanar) submitted a new resource: IDOC Detector - Public way to display shards house decay Read more about this resource...
  13. Dan(Tasanar)

    IDOC Detector 0.0.1

    The Heritage Shard IDOC Detector: Searches all houses placed on a shard when double clicked and lets players know how many are "In Danger Of Collapsing" or "Greatly Worn". Changes color based on global house decay status: Green - No houses greatly worn on IDOC. Yellow - No houses IDOC but...
  14. Dan(Tasanar)

    Repair bench needs to be repaired. Do me a favor @Shazzy, copy and past this repair bench over to your shard and see if the issues are fixed. If they are I will push it to ServUO.
  15. Dan(Tasanar)

    I need help from someone who knows scripts The one from RunUO.