Recent content by Daniel Cosper

  1. Daniel Cosper

    Annoying question from a ServUO Noob

    Allow me to elaborate a bit on this, the issue i am having is with 2 separate sides changing pages when the opposite side is clicked. First i create the left side categories. void CreateCategoryList() { int categoriesPerPage = 5; for (int i = 0; i <...
  2. Daniel Cosper

    Make gold weigh 0 when in bankbox

    was asked how to add the color to mouseover of a item, so gonna post it here AddNameProperty(ObjectPropertyList list) all items inherit this, all i have seen override it, then after it does all it normally does, you can add a custom property like this #region Evo Gear if (IsEvo) {...
  3. Daniel Cosper

    Hue of names in crafting Gumps

    Make a Directory under Scripts/ name it custom, under that place this file Oh, maybe cant use it there, i know it works on mousehover over items, sec I apologize, i am not sure how to do it if it wont accept HTML cmds
  4. Daniel Cosper

    Hue of names in crafting Gumps

    Sorry i wrote it out on here its string.Format Also you need to add the file under it , save it as TextColor.cs
  5. Daniel Cosper

    Hue of names in crafting Gumps

    AddCraft(typeof(Dagger), string.format("<basefont color={0}>Dagger</basefont>", TextColor.Capri), 1023921, -0.4, 49.6, typeof(IronIngot), 1044036, 3, 1044037); public class TextColor { public static readonly string Absolute_zero = "#0048BA"; public static readonly string Aero =...
  6. Daniel Cosper

    Make gold weigh 0 when in bankbox

    This may not be correct, i am learning the code as well, however, if i were to want to make gold weigh nothing while in bankbox, i would first find the gold script, it resides at Scripts\Items\Consumables\Gold.cs Then read the file a bit, you will notice pretty much all the code is contained...
  7. Daniel Cosper

    Annoying question from a ServUO Noob

    Hello, i am creating a Gump, it has 2 sides both of which can overflow into pages, i have everything lined up, all graphics/buttons in the right place, the pages work singly. I mean to say, if i write out the left side the next page/prev page work fine, if i do not write out the left side but...
  8. Daniel Cosper

    Looking for some friends :(

    Hello, i have picked up the repo again recently, and am working on new systems and gumps, i do not know the code all that well, so could really use some people to bounce questions and ideas off of, here is a pic of some of the things i have been working with, i can actually write fairly good...