Recent content by jdphenix

  1. jdphenix

    Console issue

    Hammerhead, Give this file a try. Rename your BodGump.cs to BodGump.cs.old, then move this file into the same folder, and try to start your server again.
  2. jdphenix

    Console issue

    First, you'll need to know where the ServUO folder is. If you know where that is, you can skip this section. If you launch ServUO from a shortcut, right-click on that shortcut and click on Properties. The "Start In" box will have the folder you need in it. Copy or write it down somewhere...
  3. jdphenix

    Console issue

    Are you able to try running servuo like I did in the video? If you did, there's hopefully an output.txt file in the same folder as ServUO.exe with all the errors. If it's there, can you upload to this post, or update on any trouble you have getting the file?
  4. jdphenix

    Console issue

    Here is a short video of me running through the procedure I'd like you to try to get all the errors. Note that when I started ServUO, I added `> output.txt` to the command. This makes everything that prints to the console write to a file instead. In this case, output.txt. -- I did just...
  5. jdphenix

    Implementing Tests

    I'm 100% behind the idea, and I think the Scripts project is a logical place to start. One point of discussion that would be needed is what would the test target be? Like OSI? In any case, I'm happy to look at some of the AI scripts and get a couple under test to at least show what it could...
  6. jdphenix

    Console issue

    I apologize, I don't think I gave clear directions. When you start ServUO, start it like this in the console: Let it sit for a few minutes and check the output.txt file, which will be in the same directory as ServUO.exe.
  7. jdphenix

    Console issue

    Hammerhand, Try the following to direct output from ServUO to a file. On Windows: C:\> ServUO > output.txt. And post the output.txt file here. It will seem to sit for a while and do nothing. When it does, open the file and see if it has the errors. If they're there, then press CTRL-C in the...
  8. jdphenix

    Configurable save locations

    A common strategy in management of SQL Server files is to have the log and database on two disks to avoid contention on bandwidth. My thought was the same. A RAM cache is interesting, and if I do that would prefer to write it in a portable manner, so I'd need to research that. I'd also be...
  9. jdphenix

    Opposition: Green Goblin vs Grey Goblin

    No, the video has all the behavior that I saw out of the goblins. The green goblin never attacked the grey one that attacked me. As far as they're speed, it's just what they were. If they're faster in ServUO that sounds like something to fix as well. I'm basically a newbie. I last played OSI...
  10. jdphenix

    Opposition: Green Goblin vs Grey Goblin

    I can't get into the Abyss, so I can't report on enslaved goblins. For the regular goblins in Underworld, they attack opposing colors, though interaction with players seems to mess with that (you'll see what I mean in the video once it's done uploading).
  11. jdphenix

    Opposition: Green Goblin vs Grey Goblin

    I'm sailing to the abyss right now and will report back.
  12. jdphenix

    Player Saves

    I saw that when I was looking around in the admin gump. Is there something that editing a save outside the game would do for you that the admin gump doesn't do already?
  13. jdphenix

    Configurable save locations

    Looking at the core code for handling serialization of world state, all the save locations are hard coded in the `/Saves` folder on the root of the install path. It works, and nothing's wrong with it, but what do we think of being able to have your saves elsewhere. Maybe for performance...
  14. jdphenix

    Player Saves

    Cool. Can you help me understand the context you'd end up using it in, like what kind of problem would such a save editor solve. AFIAK you can edit all the properties of a PlayerMobile even if an account is online.
  15. jdphenix

    Player Saves

    I might take a stab. Is there still interest in this?