Recent content by Justin48

  1. Justin48

    How to create deed-placeable custom houses

    Just bumping this thread to ask if anyone has gotten anything like this to work on the new client. Any ideas or thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks
  2. Justin48

    How to create deed-placeable custom houses

    Ahh I see, I just now saw your post about this no longer working with the new client. I've spent the past 3-4 days working on a custom house deed. And I just reached the point where I'm trying to save the UOA text file with Mulpatcher. And I seem to have hit a wall. I assume this is the point in...
  3. Justin48

    UO Architect

    Thank you for the speedy reply! Yes, that worked perfectly.
  4. Justin48

    UO Architect

    Hello! My first post here! I'm having a bit of trouble getting uo-architect to compile. I've watched the how-to install video: I've followed the instructions to the T. the compiling error I get is this. I'm currently running ServUO-ServUO_Pub57 Uo Version If you have any...