Recent content by kundred

  1. Hello and a question...

    Ok thanks - Now a real dumb question (Sorry). I have downloaded the Servuo repo - hit compile and got a load or errors, is there some pre work that I should do to get it working ? Thanks for the reply.
  2. Australian UO Shard

    Hello My name is Richard and I run a simple emulated Uo shard in Perth Australia. is a ML era server that has good availability and friendly staff (me). Address of Server is Port 2593 client works well but we are not client strict. Come and...
  3. Hello and a question...

    First thanks for making this site! Great to have more info and some cool stuff for uo. So my question is do any of you run a shard that has full mondains legacy functionality e.g. quests am characters and the recipes? I am running runuo 2.3 and want get it fully working.... driving me bonkers...