Recent content by Mordacaie

  1. RegionControl No mount

    Yes sir, thanks a ton also thought of a workaround for the dismount effect. All is running good now. Thanks a ton man!
  2. RegionControl No mount

    So to my understanding, I need to define or create a region for Orc Cave and then implement this code into that script?
  3. RegionControl No mount

    As the title says, trying to figure out how to set a flag in the region controller to toggle the action of being able to mount or not mount. And also wanting it to dismount when entering the region boundary. Anyone have an idea of where to start with this? Thanks for your time.
  4. Public access to server

    I am trying to bring traffic to my Ultima Online private server but I can not seem to figure out how to direct the traffic to the server so that the server and end user can communicate. I have already setup the port forwarding via router and edited my firewall rules to allow the access. I am...