Recent content by Rodrigo Gaddini

  1. Help with compile.WIN

    You Sir just save me from my headache! that worked without a single error! Thank you very much!
  2. Help with compile.WIN

    Tried this, same error message. 1608554950 I have a newer version of .net installed as I checked in my computer, and could not install the 4.8 version required, windows didn't let me install. could it be that servuo don't work with newer version of .net?
  3. Help with compile.WIN

    Hi, I'm trying to install the servuo in my computer, but when I try to run the "compile.WIN" bat file it shows a message, something saying about that the dotnet is not a recognizable command. C:\WINDOWS\system32>dotnet build -c Release 'dotnet' My client is installed in my "D" folder which I...
  4. Hello from Brazil

    Beleza cara? você conseguiu fazer a instalação do Servuo? eu to tendo problema em rodar o, ele não executa, diz que tem um erro no dotnet, você pode me dizer como foi que fez pra rodar? valeu!