Search results

  1. I want NPC names and titles to use Cliloc files instead of strings. Who can solve this problem?

    I want NPC names and titles to use Cliloc files instead of strings. Who can solve this problem? I hope players in every country can see their own language.
  2. When a player rides a mount, what code changes the player's moving speed?

    I looked at the code and found the Rider function. But Rider function does not handle the code for ride actions. I read the code for EtherealMount and BaseMount. These base classes and interfaces did not find the ride action code When a player rides a mount, what code changes the player's moving...
  3. A very strange bug

    There's a strange bug in my code. M. Skills [skillID]. Base+ = Value; If value = 0.8 or some other values, it will fail. most of which can be successful. Value is valid in Skill's Base set function But his Set function in BaseFixedPoint will become 7 again. Who knows how to solve! I've...
  4. Does anyone know the super razor?

    I'm redeveloping razors for my own server. It shields other tools which are not allowed and needs to join my own needs. I remember a super razor. Double click the player will show the player's attributes. Who has redeveloped razor, knows how to add it?
  5. Disable Gargoyle / Elf Races(New)

    I raised this question again, and I have some new ideas. I saw The method is not applicable to me. I want to modify it from the server side. My goal is to ensure the integrity of the servuo system and not allow players to create...
  6. What attribute is the location of equipment?

    What attribute is the location of equipment?
  7. How to create a new backpack for the player and replace it with the old backpack after the end of th

    public static Dictionary<Mobile, List<Item>> m = new Dictionary<Mobile, List<Item>>(); private static void PowerGump11_OnCommand(CommandEventArgs e) { if (!m.ContainsKey(e.Mobile)) m.Add(e.Mobile, e.Mobile.Items); Container pack = new...
  8. I encountered difficulties in making a PVP script.

    I'm developing a PVP script that wants each player to duel in a fair situation. I don't want to be out of balance because of equipment and other factors. So I need to make a new Mobile for each player to replace Themselves. Wait until the end of the event to replace myself. What's the best way...
  9. I want to know what is the mechanism of item class save in servuo.

    I want to know what is the mechanism of item class save in servuo. I opened item class and found that it inherited ISerializable interface class. He has [void Serialize (GenericWriter writer);] this function. But this does not seem to have much to do with serialization. I found the class of...
  10. Help, I need to make a fight timer, active and passive battle will start time.

    I think the players fighting countdown status, try to use the Mobile.cs (m_CombatTimer and m_ExpireCombatant), the result is just the countdown to active attack, I need a timer, to judge whether the player in combat. Please tell me what to do.thanks
  11. Hello everyone

    I love UO, it is my 2nd world