Search results

  1. ryth

    Fastwalk throttling

    FastWalk.cs is depreciated by the newer movement throttling detection in PlayerMobile.cs #region Fastwalk Prevention private static bool FastwalkPrevention = true; // Is fastwalk prevention enabled? private static int FastwalkThreshold = 400; // Fastwalk prevention will become active...
  2. ryth

    And it doesnt even take a Sherlock Holmes to deduce the who. That bit of shadiness aside, their script archive is about the only useful feature of the site... compiled scripts from both runuo and servuo in one place. All the third party programs like gump studio, centrd, fiddler etc. That's...
  3. ryth

    Fastwalk throttling

    Check out public override int ComputeMovementSpeed(Direction dir, bool checkTurning) in PlayerMobile.cs If your boots don't exceed the RunMount value, you shouldnt be getting triggers of the movement throttle. Disabling the movement throttle either overall or when wearing boots will allow...
  4. ryth

    Best way to use Version Control with a UO Shard?

    Visual Studio Community has very nice Git integration. The merging on it is top notch, eliminating a lot of shell diving that plagues some of the other git clients. It's also free, which is always a plus.
  5. ryth

    Shard List ?

    I dont know how you're tabulating your data, but it appears that servuo and uogateway are very similar in traffic (the whole domain). I'm not saying that the traffic isnt there, I'm just saying it would be a lot nicer resource as more of a stand alone. Your shard list is great, and I love the...
  6. ryth

    Shard List ?

    Yeah, but more than just people looking for the shard list are coming to your site. Might be a neat idea to put a more expanded version of the shard list at a subdomain, such as and make it more of a gateway/uoportal type of experience. I say expanded as in outside of the...
  7. ryth

    Bernard - Santa's Favorite Elf

    I'm planning on throwing this guy in the Christmas village we are setting up using Milva's Christmas Village addon. You guys are great for sharing these wonderful things :)
  8. ryth

    Christmas Village Addon

    Your addons are so nice. Thank you for sharing these :)