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  1. Does Charydbis bait no longer exsit?

    Still feeling upset about no one rushing to help you?
  2. Does Charydbis bait no longer exsit?

    TBH, being a no native English speaker I didn't quite get the phrase and hence took no real offense. Thank you for your support Falkor. Not sure about the project's policy towards making changes to something which may be already working on live shards, but such discrepancy looks like a subject...
  3. Does Charydbis bait no longer exsit?

    Just looked through the ServUO code and realized that both variations exist. Quite confusing. Of course I didn't mean to correct the spelling as such - sorry for being obscure. Only suggested that the mismatch might cause some code work not as expected.
  4. Does Charydbis bait no longer exsit?

    I may not be too familiar with the subject, but isn't it Charybdis not Charydbis? You have both spellings in your script (while only the former is correct)
  5. Let me finally introduce myself

    Hello there, As I see it, I'm one of the many guys here who prefer the pre-AoS (actually even pre-UOR) style of Ultima. I spent a lot of time in UO in early 2000s, though I must confess I've never played on the official servers (this may as well be the reason for my preference, I know). It is...