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  1. Jack

    Provocation on players crash

    You shouldn't be allowing PlayerMobiles to be provoked onto things, rather allow BaseCreatures to be provoked onto PlayerMobiles. On OSI, back when you could provoke interaction between creature and player (may still be possible in felucca - not sure), it only worked when the creature was...
  2. Jack

    Server Time wrong

    If you're talking about the [time command, it's defined here: The command itself can be safely changed without having an effect on anything else other than what a player sees when they...
  3. Jack

    GF V1.0.0a

    Any abstract property defined in an abstract class must be implemented by any subclass derived from the abstract one. eg: abstract class AnimalMorphSpell { public abstract string AnimalType{ get; }; } class ChickenMorphSpell: AnimalMorphSpell { public override string AnimalType{ get{...
  4. Jack

    CTF and DD Games

    The base class method signature (Region.cs) in the latest version on ServUO is: public virtual bool AllowHarmful(Mobile from, IDamageable target) Change the method signature to match the types (Mobile, IDamageable). Explanation: IDamageable is an interface. An interface defines methods and...
  5. Jack

    UO Server hosting
  6. Jack

    Vendor discounts

    Correct, it needs to be in both methods. One is called when the player originally requests the buy window, the other is when the player completes the purchase. The correct price needs to be calculated both times. One other thing I noticed but didn't mention before is this: pm.NpcGuild!=null...
  7. Jack

    Mount speed

    Unless the latest clients have changed, there is no way to slow down someone on a mount short of limiting their rate of movement server side. This would cause the player to look and feel as if they are lagging, which would be a sub par experience at best. If you are still interested in slowing...
  8. Jack

    T2A / Virtual Armor

    According to stratics in 1999, damage absorbed by armor was equal to between half to 100% of the base AR rating of the hit location. In pre AOS RunUO, there is a major problem with this calculation when it is done for VirtualArmor. The problem with RunUO's interpretation of it is that it...
  9. Jack

    Vendor discounts

    IMO you shouldn't do this using FocusMob. There are a lot of ways for an NPC's focusmob to change. Let's say 2 players go to buy from the same NPC. First player, who is a member of the mages guild says "vendor buy" and becomes the FocusMob. Second player who is not a member of the mage's guild...
  10. Jack are purposefully being deceptive about who they are, which is really not cool.
  11. Jack

    m_Mobile.Controlled check in CombatTimer in Mobile.cs - child properties in parent class?

    You could do this in OnActionCombat() in BaseCreature, you wouldn't need to use the combat timer. The combat timer is specifically for checking whether or not someone should take a swing. This sounds more like an overall AI change though, so might be better suited putting it in monster AI.
  12. Jack

    OSI Accurate Bounty System

    Apologies for the lack of reply, I haven't spent much time on these forums lately. I'll update this (hopefully) tomorrow to fix the problem with guards disappearing. You can only apply a bounty if the character who killed you is at 4 or more murder counts. You may only report a character once...
  13. Jack

    I Honor Thee - Speech Command

    Jack updated I Honor Thee - Speech Command with a new update entry: Bug fix as per publish 15 Read the rest of this update entry...
  14. Jack

    I Honor Thee - Speech Command - Bug fix as per publish 15 If a character has his Karma locked it will no longer be possible for others to “honor” them. Nice catch, OSI! I don't use karma locks on my shard so forgot about this one, just noticed it while browsing UOR patch notes.
  15. Jack

    m_Mobile.Controlled check in CombatTimer in Mobile.cs - child properties in parent class?

    Can you share what you've done to make the CombatTimer virtual? It's impossible to know where you are going wrong without knowing what you've done. Making Controlled/Summoned abstract doesn't make sense though, as abstract means that the properties need to be implemented in all subclasses, but...
  16. Jack

    Sorting players list

    Good suggestion lotus. I believe a netstate can have a null mobile if the player hasn't logged in a character yet so it would be something to watch out for. I would suggest to get all players in the world to use something like var players = new List<Mobile>(World.Mobiles.Values.Where(x=>x is...
  17. Jack

    OSI Accurate Bounty System

    I haven't been spending a lot of time with UO lately and the time I do spend goes into managing my shard, so I haven't gotten around to a fix for this. I took a quick look into why the bounty guards disappear and it's due to the idle timer in WarriorGuard. This isn't a particularly easy fix...
  18. Jack

    OSI Accurate Bounty System

    I wonder if something changed with guards, I'll test this out with the newest version of ServUO when I get some free time.
  19. Jack

    Max usages for a single LandTile

    You could have a static dictionary of <Point2D,DateTime> which contains the last time that particular point2d was harvested. Then when the player harvests the tile, get the Point2D location of it and check the last harvest time in the dictionary. Not super important but you'd probably want to...
  20. Jack

    Powerhour... A Little Help?

    I'm just going to gloss over how I handled power hour on my shard, it was a bit of a quick and dirty, no doubt there are better ways to handle it, but this has been live on my shard for about a year without any reported problems. It might just be good to give you some ideas of how to do it...