Search results

  1. Medusa

    XML Spawner question

    I have a rare spawn that I want to spawn anywhere randomly over a facet. I am looking for it to only last one day every week for 24 hours. My issue is having it spawn randomly anywhere. I am running the latest ServUO. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you Medusa Ultima Reforged...
  2. Medusa

    Looking for Kudos

    I am looking for a full download of the kudos system. I and my partner can not find a good download. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks
  3. Medusa

    Pet Brush

    I am running the current ServUo. I am looking for a Pet Brush script that allows you to make the pet leash I found one it did absolutely nothing lol Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  4. Medusa

    Ultima Reforged

    We have just gone live! Dedicated off-site server! We have an up-to-date Serv UO server with a few Newbie goodies to start out with. We have kept it pretty simple. OSI accurate. You may have two accounts per IP, one house per account. The Stat cap is 325 when scrolled. The skill cap is 1200...