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  1. T321

    Linux - Fails to Compile (System.Enum)

    I have installed the monodevelop and verified newest version of gcc. Sadly the same issue occurs. Back to
  2. T321

    Linux - Fails to Compile (System.Enum)

    I was on but just updated to the latest of Still hitting that same error. I shall continue to beat my head against the wall and see what happens :).
  3. T321

    Linux - Fails to Compile (System.Enum)

    Making those changes it still runs on Windows but on Linux it is throwing a few errors. I'm not even sure if these errors are related or not such error: ScriptCompiler: : Unhandled Exception: ScriptCompiler: : Mono.CSharp.InternalErrorException...
  4. T321

    Linux - Fails to Compile (System.Enum)

    Greetings, Trying to get this to work on Ubuntu and recive the following error. Errors: + VitaNex/Core/PropertyObjects/SettingsObject.cs: CS0450: Line 22: `System.Enum': cannot specify both a constraint class and the `class' or `struct' constraint CS0702: Line 22: A constraint cannot...