Forget Scripting Like a Balron

It's Time to Speak AI (Fellowship Optional)!


Greetings, Britannian builders, UO Scriptmasters, and curious coders! Are you tired of manually crafting every line of code, pixel by pixel? Do you dream of conjuring spells of automation, whispering your desires into existence with the power of Artificial Intelligence? Well, put down that quill and inkwell, for the future is here, powered by the magic of AI!

Hold your wyverns, don't envision robots taking over your shard just yet (they still struggle with making decent bread – trust me, I've tried). Let's delve into how you, the cunning code conjurer, can harness the power of AI. Forget dusty tomes and arcane algorithms; think of it as having a super-powered assistant who speaks your language – literally.

This is where "prompting" comes in, not a forceful decree but a clear instruction whispered to the digital ether. Imagine ordering a feast at the Moonglow Tavern: you wouldn't just bellow "FOOD!" at the barkeep, would you? You'd specify portions, ingredients, maybe even request extra dragon jerky. Just like that, a well-crafted prompt guides the AI to create something truly unique.

Example Time! Say you want the AI to craft a script that spawns mischievous gremlins across Britannia, wreaking havoc and leaving cryptic clues. Instead of muttering "[COLOR=rgb(235, 107, 86)]gremlins, chaos, code[/COLOR]" you'd prompt: [COLOR=rgb(235, 107, 86)]"Write a UO script that generates mischievous gremlins, teleporting randomly and leaving riddles for players to solve. Include hidden rewards for those who decipher them, and ensure the gremlins cause comedic mayhem without disrupting server stability."[/COLOR] See the difference? You're painting a picture with words, guiding the AI to weave magic into code.

Now, you might be asking: "[COLOR=rgb(235, 107, 86)]This sounds magical, but what can this AI assistant do?[/COLOR]" Oh, just a trove of wonders:

  • Craft complex scripts: Let the AI be your tireless scribe, automating tasks and weaving intricate gameplay systems. Need a new housing system or a dynamic economy simulator? Just whisper your desires!
  • Generate random content: Stuck in a creative rut? Need fresh monster encounters, unique quest variations, or even dialogue for NPCs? The AI is your brainstorming partner, churning out possibilities faster than a pixie on pixie dust.
  • Enhance your creativity: Use the AI as a springboard for your own ideas. It can help you explore uncharted territories of code, suggest unexpected solutions, and push the boundaries of your imagination.

There's a learning curve, like mastering any new spell, but fear not! A fellowship of online resources, communities, and even (dare I say?) humorous tutorials await to guide you on your journey.

So, ditch the keyboard for a metaphorical incantation (think voice commands, not chanting like a lich), embrace the power of prompting, and unleash your inner AI archmage. Remember, the future of Britannia belongs to those who can speak its language of code and AI. Trust me, the future sounds a lot cooler with pixies beatboxing alongside your scripts.

Now, let's test your Prompting prowess!

Craft a prompt to command the AI to:
1.) For a ServUO Server Design a system for interactive objects across Britannia, like talking statues with riddles, hidden levers that trigger events, or enchanted wells with quests.
2.) Generate a ServUO script vast array of random encounters for adventurers, ranging from comical mishaps to epic boss battles with unique abilities and challenging mechanics.

Remember, the more detailed and creative your prompts, the more wondrous the results! Exercise your AI Prompting muscles, surprise me, and join me on this adventure into the uncharted realms of AI-powered Britannia! Just don't blame me if your next script ends up looking like a masterpiece coded by a caffeinated pixie. Even pixies deserve to express their digital creativity, right?

Good Luck With Your AI Prompting!!
Leave a comment with your thought... and if you gave this a serious try, Show us the results. Good or Bad

I Designed/Engineered a Pretty Neat AI Persona for a Character from UO. Depending on what kind of responces and how well this thread goes.... I might release here for everyone else to enjow.... 'Time'... will tell i guess!
lol this post reads like it was written by ChatGPT, in that slightly vague way where it doesn't exactly know what it should be writing so gives generic advice.

I'm here and all about this thread though! I've made over 800 RunUO scripts using ChatGPT. C# as well as XML content, I have special prompts for making both. I'm not a programmer, I'm a librarian but with ChatGPT I am able to make working code. RunUO is an open source project that is part of ChatGPTs training data, which makes it really familiar with the code base. More so than other kinds of coding. You can ask ChatGPT to make a blue orc NPC for RunUO, and it knows exactly what the animation ID number for an orc is and the color code to make it blue. Very helpful!
I have not had much luck with chatGPT when I have tried. Maybe because I am using the free version and I think it stops at 2021 and that I am trying for ServUO scripts. It can do some things but the more advanced things I have tried get a lot of errors.
I have not had much luck with chatGPT when I have tried. Maybe because I am using the free version and I think it stops at 2021 and that I am trying for ServUO scripts. It can do some things but the more advanced things I have tried get a lot of errors.
The free version is not good at making new scripts. I use it when I want to make like 50 new monsters and I already have a template for the monster I can show it as an example. You need to use GPT4 if you want good scripts. You can do it for free, use Bing. It has GPT4 for free, and I often use bing to make scripts because when you set it to "creative" mode it can make better code when I ask for weird stuff.
You can do it for free, use Bing. It has GPT4 for free, and I often use bing to make scripts because when you set it to "creative" mode it can make better code when I ask for weird stuff.

I did not know it was free with bing. Do I have to do anything different to use it?
I figured that may be it and tried. It looked closer to ServUO but I am still having troubles with it. It may be how I am asking it.

here is the error"
+ CUSTOM SCRIPTS PnP/medelatrial2.cs:
CS0115: Line 9: 'MedelaPotion.MinHeal': no suitable method found to override
CS0115: Line 10: 'MedelaPotion.MaxHeal': no suitable method found to override
CS0115: Line 11: 'MedelaPotion.PoisonImmune': no suitable method found to override
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.

Here is what I asked it to do:
create an ultima online script that generates a potion that will heal for 45-65 health and cure deadly poisons in C# for servuo 57



  • medelatrial2.cs
    1.1 KB · Views: 1
If you copy that error code and tell it to Bing it will often realize its own error and give you a corrected script. I am personally using an old version of RunUO, not the latest ServUO so I might be having a better time. Though I need to tell it to use C# version 2.0 or it will use more advanced functions that are not part of RunUO.
It was very interesting. So I ended up retying it and got a new code for a 3rd time, it did not recognize healcure so I asked it to make a basehealcurepotion. It then gave me an error about constructible which threw me at first until I realized the game constructable. It now compiles and works as intended. The only thing I need to solve is it deletes the potion if you double click and are not healed. I will create a new thread since I took this one a bit off topic.

For those that have not tried using AI, it is interesting and quite helpful.
It was very interesting. So I ended up retying it and got a new code for a 3rd time, it did not recognize healcure so I asked it to make a basehealcurepotion. It then gave me an error about constructible which threw me at first until I realized the game constructable. It now compiles and works as intended. The only thing I need to solve is it deletes the potion if you double click and are not healed. I will create a new thread since I took this one a bit off topic.

For those that have not tried using AI, it is interesting and quite helpful.
This kind of programming questions are easily answered on the ServUO discord: Join the ServUO Discord Server!